I actually had the idea to contact Anon but I didn't know how to get the ball rolling. THANK YOU FOR ROLLIN THE BALL!!!!!
About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short 188 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Proof that would hold up in court of the "list of known pedophiles" not reported to the governments would be their undoing. That's what the video said Anonymous was after. If they succeed they will be doing the whole planet a massive favor.
Lemme think....hmmm .. A hacker that has a blog with traceable information and detailed daily action?.... Keep reading you might find ss#
Check your PM`s..
These were they guys who suposedly gave up 2 million emails from the Syrian Gvmt. Immagine all the WTS documents they could put out there. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/07/anonymous-syrian-emails/
They even hacked the email of one of the top security companies in the US. The reality is that no one on the board knows what will happen. We can only hope that they hit some good pay dirt.
Does anyone know this Lorenz Reibling person? As in is he a JW?
Holy smokes, if this isn't a spoof, it looks like they might get their hands on the crown jewels. But fear not, the Jehovah Firewall System tm (JFS) is ready.
Mickey mouse
This is Lorenz Reibling on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lorenz.reibling?ref=ts
King Solomon
Let me guess what the admin password might be for the WT server?
Maybe they got clever, and mixed numbers and letters:
Am I getting warm yet? :)