Why so? The kinds of data believed to be on it wouldn't be large AFAIK... Simple databases, and documentation, emails etc all take up little room. Plus it could be compressed as well.
About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short 188 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
2.25 gigs of data would keep us apostates busy for a long time. Remember the Watchtower Library fits on a CD that only has a capacity of about 700 megabytes.
Does anybody know how difficult it is to decrypt this kind of file? Do any former or current Bethelites have any information on the encryption format that is used.
Is this the main thread for updates....can't find any huge news yet. Am I just being impatient? Hope this doesn't fizzle!!!
I checked pastebin, and didn't see anything new except for a bunch of norweigian KH address and meeting times...uhhh so what?!
Here's hoping for the big one!! Fill me in if I missed something. I am checking quickly cause I am also trying to work ;-)
Witness My Fury
.enc file extension is an encrypted format used by various programs. Knowing WHICH program would be helpful as then you can work out what the program does to the file as it creates it. They will be working on opening it as we speak, but it may take a while and when they do it may be nothing to get excited about tbh, but we shall see. Little point in downloading it btw unless you have the right software tools and some skillz.
I dont.
I wish I knew software instead of hardware sometimes (grrr) LOL
Decoding .enc extensions howto: http://www.ehow.com/how_7534943_do-decode-enc-file.html?ref=Track2&utm_source=ask
Or, if you're wanting/needing the software: http://www.stuffit.com/win-deluxe.html
hmm still on 3.03... nothing new.
This is from AnonNews. "I just talked to a former Bethel insider who was pretty sure that they just use a standard, off the shelf, encryption system."
If so, it might take a few days to decrypt it but it shouldn't pose too much of a problem.
they just use a standard, off the shelf, encryption system.
Oh dear, Jesus is gonna be pi$$ed....Here he's "entrusted to them all his kingdom interests" and they just use Radio Shack encryption-is-fun version 1.0.