New here

by konceptual99 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly

    Thanks for your reply PM, konceptual99. As others have said, take it slow, one baby step at a time.

    Only push those boundaries you feel comfortable pushing and don't let anyone else rush you into decisions, actions or new beliefs before you are ready to deal with them.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum, konceptual99

    I don't know how old your kids are, but just apologizing to them for raising them in a cult might not be enough to undo any damage from the cult's teachings. They need to be able to fully understand that the WT was never selected by any Bi-Polar Space Nasties who spy on them in the middle of the night and are going to kill their schoolmates, soon, and them too if they 'make Jehovah sad!'.

    There are some really good books teaching critical thinking skills, some designed for children. I strongly suggest you find a good one and study it with them. You and your kids would gain a structured way of evaluating information and ideas that has been denied and opposed by the WT, and it would give you something constructive to do while you "wait for Jehovah" to drag himself out of the privy and stop the Governing Body looking like just another bunch of Doomsday nutters.



  • Lozhasleft

    Welcome to the forum.

    Loz x

  • finallysomepride

    Welcome aboard, glad you are here

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hello Konceptual99.

    It's good that you are asking questions.

    There's a lot of ups and downs with the realization that THE TRUTH is not really the truth.

    Some on the forum still believe the Bible is the word of God.

    I do.

    I was not raised a JW.

    There are some who no longer believe.

    Many here are hurt and disillusioned,(I am) but we all have a common denominator in knowing the WT Corporation is a lucrative business, that likes to control it's "employees", namely its members.

    Don Cameron's book Captives of a Concept is also excellent.

    Many here have been where you are and are knowledgeable and helpful with the process to find your way.

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  • leavingwt


    (1) Don't tell a single person that you're having doubts about WT doctrine. Not even your closest friends and family. Keep this your little secret until you've completed months of studying and research.

    (2) Never fear the pursuit of truth. Truth has nothing to fear from lies.

    (3) Most JWs are sincere. If they didn't believe it was true, they would walk away.

    (4) Exiting a high-control group is no small matter. It can have permanent, life-changing consequences. Divorce, depression, and severe anxiety are all very common. You are not alone. Therapy can be extremely helpful. Participating in online discussion forums like this one can be one type of therapy.

    (5) There are a few books that many ex-JWs have found to be extremely helpful. Two of these are as follows: "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz, available in print and PDF. Another is 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' by Steve Hassan, available on Amazon, used, very cheaply.

    (6) 99% of the JWs that you know will go to their graves as believing, committed, and loyal JWs. These people will side with Jehovah, over their friends and family, no matter how strong the bonds may have been.

    (7) Never, ever discuss doctrine with a believing JW. To the true believer, the leader of the organization dictates doctrine. They are not permitted to have an opinion on the doctrine. Whatever the people at the top say -- it's true. No discussion can take place.

    (8) Many of us have found true happiness, contentment, and satisfaction, after leaving the organization. It was not easy. However, the result has been worth the effort.

  • coffee_black



  • undercover


  • Ding


    You are just starting on your journey out.

    It can be disorienting and overwhelming, so take your time.

    Be very careful what you say to others, including your own family.

    Feel free to discuss anything with us.

    Unlike in the WTS, there are lots of different views represented here.

    Don't be frightened by that.

    Don't accept something just because someone else says it's so.

    We've had enough of that from the self-proclaimed "faithful and discreet slave."

  • watson

    Welcome! I can relate completely.

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