(1) Don't tell a single person that you're having doubts about WT doctrine. Not even your closest friends and family. Keep this your little secret until you've completed months of studying and research.
(2) Never fear the pursuit of truth. Truth has nothing to fear from lies.
(3) Most JWs are sincere. If they didn't believe it was true, they would walk away.
(4) Exiting a high-control group is no small matter. It can have permanent, life-changing consequences. Divorce, depression, and severe anxiety are all very common. You are not alone. Therapy can be extremely helpful. Participating in online discussion forums like this one can be one type of therapy.
(5) There are a few books that many ex-JWs have found to be extremely helpful. Two of these are as follows: "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz, available in print and PDF. Another is 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' by Steve Hassan, available on Amazon, used, very cheaply.
(6) 99% of the JWs that you know will go to their graves as believing, committed, and loyal JWs. These people will side with Jehovah, over their friends and family, no matter how strong the bonds may have been.
(7) Never, ever discuss doctrine with a believing JW. To the true believer, the leader of the organization dictates doctrine. They are not permitted to have an opinion on the doctrine. Whatever the people at the top say -- it's true. No discussion can take place.
(8) Many of us have found true happiness, contentment, and satisfaction, after leaving the organization. It was not easy. However, the result has been worth the effort.