Conspiracy theories floating by the wayside. I know people can't possibly believe everything that has been reported on cases like this. Could a possible C.Y.A come into play? That is Cover Your Ass. How much do we trust the media and authorities in this society? People get killed every day unfortunately, and there isn't always justice. This one incident drawed a lot of attention and stopped Campaign trails. People are dead and this can't be reversed. The killer is in custody and has revealed no motive. People are wondering how this happened? A strange case that can introduce distorted facts.
by Phizzy 114 Replies latest social current
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From what is being reported, the man does not fit the role, and I want real answers, not conspiracy nonsense.
Why don't you think he fits? They interviewed a neighbor who knew him growing up and used to celebrate Christmas with the family. This was a brilliant kid with a promising career ahead of him. He was a Phd candidate. Something obviously snapped inside him. Smart people are capable of extremely well laid out, diabolical plans.
FHN, the armor described sounds to me like the standard issue IOTV (Improved Outer Tactical Vest) I have. I would be curious to know if that vest had the level IV ceramic plates or just level III or lower kevlar inserts. Or if there were any SAPI plates or kevlar in it at all and was just the carrier vest. It can have stuff like a groin protector added to it and I've got all the collars and add-ons with the kevlar inserts. But he didn't have true head-to-toe protection. Even wearing the groin protector, the hips and groin area are still prime targets for neutralizing the threat. Hit the femoral artery and the target is going to bleed out before medics can arrive. Even a shot from a police issue .40 or 9mm impacting the groin protector would be as painful as a sledge hammer to the balls. The kevlar prevents penetration but that round still delivers a lot of impact to the body. And in any case, the IOTV doesn't provide protection to the pelvis and legs.
Ammunition capacity does not constitute an "assault rifle". I take it you haven't looked up the definition so I will supply it. An "assault rifle" fires a rifle cartridge from a detachable magazine and is capable of semiautomatic fire or fully automatic fire depending on setting of the selector switch. Mr. Holmes' AR-15, while cosmetically offensive to the hoplophobes in the world, was merely a semi-automatic rifle chambered in .223/5.56mm. No more deadly than any other rifle chambered for that cartridge.
Rebecca, nice to meet you. To answer your question, the economy may require both parents to work but doesn't absolve them of their responsibility to still be parents and is no excuse for what so many kids today grow up to be.
NCO, all I know is that the police had his armor all over the parking lot, by his car. There was a lot of it. It did cover him from head to toe and his head, neck and face. They said that the ammo and guns they had would not have penetrated his armor. Then they said his ammo could have penetrated theirs. With the way he boobytrapped his apartment, I am thinking he might be trying to set a precedent and send all of us, including the police a message. He just showed others, would be shooters, that they can get out of such a masacre alive.
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One question that keeps bothering me is what was the original target of Holmes? By that I mean we know he began collecting his weapons two months ago. Was it his original intent to go to the Batman premiere or did he choose that venue at the last minute? Here is a young man who is highly intelligent and could plan things carefully and meticulously as his booby-trapped apartment has shown. It doesn't seem likely that he would have decided at the last minute to attend the Batman movie premiere. The opening night date was already known weeks ahead of time although I don't know if the midnight showtimes were a last-minute decision on the part of the film's distributors.
Seeing that so many attend movie premiers like this dressed up in various costumes, he blended right in with the crowd. There would not have been a way of picking him out from others. So I think that perhaps the Batman prmiere was his intended target all along but if there had been no such movie event, was there some other venue that would have suited his purpose of killing as many people in a confined area as quickly as possible?
Quendi, I read on one page that there is a Batman comic where one of the characters goes in and shoots up a XXX movie cinema. He only shoots a handfull of people. The authorities wonder if the Aurora shooter was maybe trying to reinact that comic. But in the comic it is not the Joker who does the shooting.
For some reason, I don't feel evil when I see this shooter, I see someone deranged. But if you have been with a person who is fullblown psychosis, the person can't be that focused, they are usually very scattered and pretty much way, way out there. I heard one expert say he thinks mental illness involved somehow. Still, even with mental illness, this guy had to have had some of his wits about him to function as highly as he did. I suppose a person in a manic state might be coherent enough to pull this thing off though.
NCO- How would you describe the psychological makeup of this man. He puts on protective gear to shoot unarmed people. Was he anticipating confronting the police after his deed. He rigs his apartment anticipating a search by police.