I actually agree and disagree with you. Basically the WT claims ignorance in the cases of child molestation like they're not corresponding with the different congregations regarding the situation and really is trying to cover over the whole situation. So in this case where the goal is to make public the files to show they are in the know about every single case in which it occurred and are purposely keeping it secret I support that action. The rest of the stuff about taking down the website and all that jazz I think is pointless. I think the fact they're hiding behind clergy privilege having something like this in the public now takes away the clergy privilege and questions in the courtroom can be more direct. If this were something as simple as "We're going to take down the Watchtowr website and cripple their printing machines" I wouldn't support it, however bringing to light the documents that show they were fully aware for decades of the abuse happening to their child congregation members is completely justified in my opinion.
Watchtower and Anonymous Links, Updates, News, etc.
by DT 114 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Seriously Simon, fix your shit. You'd think this was a freaking mmorpg... but no, it's just forum software.
Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: lengthHow the fuck would I create a thread that is shorter than zero? What could I possibly type that is shorter than "nothing". Fucking stupid. No, I don't use Internet Explorer, I didn't write an article that was very long, and I use Firefox 14.0.1.
It's a forum. This isn't brain surgery. This stuff was solved in 1997.
I guess I'll tell my story again in another thread.
- Lime
Hmmm... to see a mail server address where there was no mail server before is somewhat alarming to say the least, maybe a tricky honey pot has been set up since the WTS has had plenty of warning about what would be coming.
But then again... Maybe Anonymous had already collected a lot of """Bonafide""" info before going public and He/IT/they are just making the IT dept. at the WT soil their panties for the fun of it.
in nomine 'bonae fidei', in nomine maxima anonymi, amen!
BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
life is to short
I still don't see a major data dump from Anonymous, but I hear they have the data and are planning on releasing it. They may be working on details of where and how to release it. If the data contains information on victims, they will probably spend some time thinking about how to handle that.
wow!!!!!! @ dt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did they do to Scientology?
Exactly - and why haven't we heard about it?
I am going to again play my broken record - we should be VERY CAREFUL about aligning ourselves with this group.
I think they may very well prove to be dangerously loose cannons and ultimately ineffective.
Ask yourselves this - what did the busybody network WikiLeaks really accomplish? (except for self promotion, and getting their source court-martialed)
James Woods, take a look at "Operation Chanology" on wikipedia for info. about Anonymous vs. Scientology.