"Armageddon is just around the corner"
Watchtower and Anonymous Links, Updates, News, etc.
by DT 114 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
BTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I guess we just don't know the day or hour. New light: Evidently, the generation who saw the Anonymous youtube video will overlap with the generation who will decrypt the database.
I guess we just don't know the day or hour. New light: Evidently, the generation who saw the Anonymous youtube video will overlap with the generation who will decrypt the database.
LOLOL omg best (and probably most apt) Anonymous/JW joke ever. Everyone can go home now.
I've heard very little about Anonymous over the last forty-eight hours or so. It could be that the operation is fading away or that little is happening. Or it could be that they are busy preparing documents for a large upload that would be more dramatic that having this information released gradually over time. I found this quote at AnonNews.
"there is a huge leak comming out soon. don't know exactly when but thousends of docs are being scanned as this message is being posted. once leaked anonymous will work togethere to deface all the jw sites. this will cripple them. telling them how they are home to pedofiles and conduct massive money laundering scheams."
We will have to wait and see if this ends up being true.
The Oracle
Hopefully they can make a positive impact for the sake of everything that is good and decent in this world.
Staying tuned for updates....
The Oracle
still hoping, but no longer holding my breath. Interesting quote DT...thanks for posting.
Rome wasn't built in a day people. It takes, time, effort, energies, assets, and expertise I'm quite sure for Anonymous to pull this off. Patience is a freaking virtue here folks. Just because WT society lied to us and couldn't come through on promises, doesn't mean every single organization or group on the planet follows that trend. I'm of the mind to keep being patient and see how this goes. Peace out, mr. Flipper
The Oracle
I would second that train of thought, Mr. flipper.
I like the quote DT/thanks, and I'm happy knowing they got the files.