I am going to again play my broken record - we should be VERY CAREFUL about aligning ourselves with this group.
I think they may very well prove to be dangerously loose cannons and ultimately ineffective.
Ask yourselves this - what did the busybody network WikiLeaks really accomplish? (except for self promotion, and getting their source court-martialed)
I've known a few serious hackers. Without exception, the ones I knew were megalomaniacs. This does not mean all hackers are megalomaniacs. But,
it provides a cautionary profile to keep in mind.
A hacker is a lawbreaker, rule breaker, intrusion specialist with a sense of moral entitlement.
An anonymous megalomaniac is a different sort of fish, however.
This becomes more moral outrage and vigilante than snotty hacker.
But, it is still fringe behavior which violates some serious Federal laws.
We don't want to be accessories before, during or after the fact unwittingly, do we?
It is a crime to be an accomplice and to aid and abet illegal activity. Ignorance of the law won't serve as much of a defense if things go wrong.
If I were working for the Watchtower I'd find my path made much easier monitoring JW-Net for clues about who was doing what and what information was vulnerable and where.
Chew on that for awhile.
Remember when the U.S. intelligence community publicly revealed it was monitoring Osama bin Ladin by tapping his cellphone calls to his mom?
That alerted the bin Ladin family and the terrorist cells to take alternative communication most seriously and we lost a wonderful opportunity.
People who think they are smarter than other people just can't keep their big mouth shut!
They want to be admired.
Think about it....