Watchtower and Anonymous Links, Updates, News, etc.

by DT 114 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • blindnomore

    We are entitled to our opinions just as long as we're not involved in any illegal activity. Exactly!

    As far as concerning contacting various agencies, I have no personal knowledge of single conviction(other than police agency) from anti-Watchtower activities. That being said, I have been wondering if we have been rather shy on this area. I have some personal experiences of working with the CPS and other agencies on Watchtower abuse cases. I can't disclose any more info publicly yet but will PM you(LV101) for detail info.

    Anyone who knows Watchtower abuse cases(sexually, emotionally, mentally, physically, negligent) should contact the local Police, Child Protective Service, FBI, and/or any related agencies. If victim is an elderly, there are a special hot line for it. Infomant will be remained as anonymous. Your identity is protected by law.(in the US)



    I am NOLAW and don't care a s*** about those definitions-definitions often formed by criminals to suit their needs. I asked YOU to define what is a criminal act. Anonymous do not do anything criminal. Anonymous do what every citizen on this planet ought to do. Anonymous have our total support. We have WAR and we side with the righteous. Our enemies will be eliminated. Take courage our brave fellow POW for Victory is ours.

  • DT

    I just saw this on Twitter from @AnonBig. This is just a heads up. I don't know if this is significant or not.

    "#anonymous there is a new leak coming on #opwatchtower please be ready to spread the word. its BIG."

  • 3dogs1husband

    ohhh pins and needles!

  • 144001

    Nolaw: The people who don't file their income tax returns because they purport to be "state citizens" are not committing any crimes either, notwithstanding their convictions, sentencing, and incarceration.

    At some point, you'll experience a lucid interval.

  • tresdecu

    Supposedly something big soon...hmmm. Should I hold my breath. Below copied from @anonbig twitter feed:

    Anonymous_B.I.G. @AnonBig

    #anonymous there is a new leak coming on #opwatchtower please be ready to spread the word. its BIG.

  • tresdecu

    bahhh... Sorry DT, you posted the same thing already. I promise to pay attention in class from now on!

  • LV101

    Good News! Thanks for update.

  • talesin

    All laws are not moral.

    Up until the 60s, it was legal to beat your wife. Up until the 80s, it was legal to rape your wife. Up until [fill in the date], slavery was legal (and STILL IS in countries like Saudi Arabia).

    These laws are AMORAL.

    NOLAW said:

    I am NOLAW and don't care a s*** about those definitions-definitions often formed by criminals to suit their needs. I asked YOU to define what is a criminal act. Anonymous do not do anything criminal.

    Hacking is illegal, yes. But is what Anonymous is doing AMORAL? I think not.


  • Londo111

    Something Big coming, eh? I've heard that all my life...

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