For me, it was about confusing the hounders. I did my best to confuse them--by going to different congregations that shared the same building at random times, then introducing missed meetings. The ones I missed became more numerous, and eventually I saw Jehovah was not interested in my seeing the opposite sex at all. Ultimately, I pulled the plug for that, trying to waste more hounder time with confusion. I also started turning my field circus time in late, on purpose--and putting two or more slips in the same box on separate slips (using a different color pen each slip to make it look like they lost a slip). Hopefully wasting their time worrying and hunting.
Since the REJECT Astaroth Party 2005, I didn't do a single boasting session. And my last field circus was June 30, 2005--and I never even bothered to put in a time slip for it. Hopefully, they wasted half the month hunting for it.