what is the dumbest thing you've been reproved/chided/df'd for?

by rather be in hades 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i'm a big science nerd and i remember when we were going over the creator book, that the big bang doesn't necessarily prove there is no god.

    i said this comment during book study and the conductor's jaw dropped. everyone was pretty uncomfortable and it didn't help that he ct me off as i was explaining the red shift and mom wasn't too happy about all that. i had to do a lot of bible research and write some nonsense about how the big bang was not reality or some sort...ugh.

    any other intersting experiences?

  • simon17

    Do witnesses officially not believe in the Big Bang? I was always confused by that. The 'scientific' minded witnesses believed that God was the cause behind the singularity that caused the Big Bang, and that he subsequently did his creating on Earth (kind of as an exception?). But sometimes these same ones would mock how silly science was for believing in something so foolish as the Big Bang. I don't know, I never really could figure out where they stood on the science of the early universe.

  • Botzwana

    Lived in Atlanta at one point in my life....Had just bought a new car. An Elder chided me for having Olympic car tags on the car. OH MY GOD! How petty!


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i don't know about now, but back then when we did go over the creator book, i'd say emphatically no, jws did NOT believe in the big bang and it REALLY put a damper on that book study lesson. i didn't comment for weeks after that and by then we had passed through the cool part of the book...the part that addressed science directly.

    at the time, i would have put myself in that category of science-y witnesses. i believed god started the big bang. i also believed in evoltion...to a degree. i believed in adaptation but in another thread, i mentioned that it's something i basically swept under the rug and never really thought about it too deeply because then my head would hurt ;)

    cognitive dissonance is a strange thing. it really does allow you to believe to opposing things. on the one hand, you can believe that the governing body is a fallible group of men that are not inspired by god, yet you can believe that despite the numerous false prophecies they've published until the light magically got brighter.

    the brainwashing is real and it's incredible how good they do it. my nature is to question everything. when i read up on political news, or a textbook, it's not enough for me to simply accept what is said, i like to know the background information on the subject to prove the assertion to myself. now it's possible this is a reaction to being duped my entire my life. yet, i NEVER questioned the witnesses. on the surface, everything seemed logical and i remember being shown in the encyclopedia when i was about 6, that christmas was pagan. coupled with the 'we don't lie and we're nothing like anyone else in the world' mantra, i simply believed without question what they had to say because...lying is a sin and that's not what jehovah likes. therefore if these dudes are lying then they're not making it into heaven/paradise and they know this so there's no way they wold lie right?

    the logic is mind boggling and logic should never be mind boggling unless you have some incredible weed.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    lol botzwana. you're lucky you didn't get df'd ;)

    i can't imagine what the elders would have said when i bought my mr2. that's NOT a service worthy car by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Rocky_Girl

    I was reproved (privately) because a friend of mine wrote in her diary that she had a dream about me getting drunk and giving a guy she liked a lap dance. She said in the diary it was a dream, she told the elders it was a dream, her mother agreed that we had not spent any time together in months, and it was obvious that I was shocked when they asked me about it. Yet, they reproved me because I didn't seem "repentant" in my responses to their questions. In other words, I had the nerve to stand up for myself when falsely accused.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    well rocky i would have to ask you this:

    in your friend's dream, did you do everything in your power NOT to get drnk and give the lap dance? as we all have learned from the mosaic law and from dinah...it's all the woman's fault if sexual misconduct goes down. did you scream?

    then i'd have to ask, did the elders who questioned you question the man you gave the lap dance to? did they really have two witnesses? or at least your friend and another witness to testify against you?

    now i'm confused lol

  • Rocky_Girl

    Lol! I was screaming, but not the right way, haha!

    they questioned him and he didn't know me by name. He was angry that he was pulled into the whole mess...

    My reproof was for my unrepentant, stubborn attitude. I would describe my reaction as fear and confusion, because I had no clue what they were talking about, but to each his own.

    They were questioning me about what happened in someone else's dream. The only ones accusing me were the elders that read the diary. Even the words in the diary said it was a dream. The elder leading the jc had a problem with my family and I'm sure he was just trying to be a dick. The day my reproof was lifted and I was given back my priviledges, I attended my last meeting.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    lol that's just an amazing story. definitely tops mine...being reproved for something you did...in someone else's dream.

    god's holy spirit was moving to and fro wasn't it?

    come to think of it, you were giving a lap dance. you wouldn't happen to be of the annointed and inspired by holy spirit would you?

    some christians would say that if you are of the annointed and inspired by holy spirit, then genesis was fulfilled in that dream...

  • Rocky_Girl

    it was so ridiculous! but I should thank them for opening my eyes. I don't know if I would have ever questioned anything without that little crack in the respect I had for their authority.

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