what is the dumbest thing you've been reproved/chided/df'd for?

by rather be in hades 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NVR2L8

    Growing hair above my upper lip! Buying a 2-door car. Buying a motorcycle that I rode to the meetings and in service just to piss off the hounders. Playing hockey on a regular basis...should be random and not organized and if I didn't stop I would be removed as a MS. I told the elders who admitted watching TV an hour or two everyday that this was actually worse than me playing hockey for 90 minutes on a Friday night...Fathering children during the 1975...what are you thinking! These children have grown up and have children attending school!

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    but the watchtower farms have all sorts of food they slaughter. i mean animals. i'm hngry.

    that makes no sense. noah? brnt offerings?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I got counseled by vegetarian JWs.

    Huh, well THAT makes sense.

    You ARE aware that Adam and Eve WERE vegetarians, right? Even though it's not been publicly announced by the GB, my sources at Bethel say that all meals in the New Systemâ„¢ WILL be vegetarian....

    Good thing you won't be there, then, as you'd probably just be whining on about how much you miss cheesesteaks, licking your chops every time you set eyes on a cow, etc.... ;)

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    not having meat around was one reason i REALLY didn't want the new system to come arond

  • Paralipomenon

    I was told to quit as a volunteer fire fighter.

    1) I showed lack of respect for my life that Jehovah had given me

    2) I may have to leave a meeting to fight a fire and what is more important

    3) It was stumbling people in the congregation

    I had actually refused to quit, I told the elder that if it was his house on fire during the meeting, wouldn't he want to know that there were enough people to keep it from burning to the ground?

    I said it was stupid and refused. He went around me and told my mom and she forced me to quit. That was a big fight, I really fought back on that one. Being a firefighter was something I had wanted to do since I was a child, after I got out of school, I thought "why not follow my dreams?"

    She threatened to take away the car, which I was paying for anyways. Eventually I quit to stop the nagging.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    once, from the platform, an elder made a comment condemning married people who don't wear wedding rings. I have not worn my wedding ring since back in the very early 1990s, and Just Ron hasn't worn his since even earlier probably. I gained weight and my ring didn't fit anymore, and I just got used to not wearing it. I actually confronted the elder after the meeting, I played it off like I believed that he had never noticed that we don't wear rings. He had the decency to appear embarrassed. Funny thing, he got caught having an "emotional" affair with a worldly co worker not too long after that, and he lost his position in the congregation. He hadn't been to a meeting in a couple of years at the time we quit attending.

  • Carl8119

    I got defed for smoking

    bt being asked to repent for being in someone elses dream that really takes the cake lol

  • hoser

    got in deep shit once for congratulating a couple on their engagement. Turns out he wasn't baptized, but I didn't know.

    I guess ignorance isn't an excuse

  • Carl8119

    LOL how does congratulating a couple for getting engaged and that person not being baptized get you in trouble?

  • Carl8119

    You ARE aware that Adam and Eve WERE vegetarians, right? Even though it's not been publicly announced by the GB, my sources at Bethel say that all meals in the New Systemâ„¢ WILL be vegetarian....

    LOL I'd rather be dead for all eternity than for five minutes have to put up with a bunch of self rightous vegitarian JW's

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