DLing now. Thanks for this info.
Conti Trial Transcripts and Court Documents of Attorney Zalkin's cases of 5 victims WT settled out-of-court, San Diego, all available to download using MediaFire
by AndersonsInfo 50 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
JW GoneBad
The following are some general statements that the 'Campos' WT Attorney made. Wonder what planet he lives on?
'Congregation publishers are not required to complete or turn in any forms regarding their field ministry activity to anyone.'
'Before Jehovah’s Witnesses engage in their field ministry, they generally meet for a brief a meeting for field service, which is generally conducted by an elder or ministerial servant. However, publishers are not required to attend a meeting for field service before they begin their field service activity.'
'Congregation members are not required to engage in the ministry in any specific territory.'
'Congregation members are not required to call on homes in an assigned territory. The primary purpose of a congregation member’s field service activity is to preach the Good News of God’s Kingdom and honor Jehovah God.'
JW GoneBad
Other general statements that the ‘Campos’ WT Attorney made. Shows just how misinformed he is:
'The purpose of the Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting is to help publishers to progress in their teaching and field ministry activity, not to ensure uniformity and consistency in the distribution of literature. Publishers are not required to attend meetings nor are they required to receive training with regard to their teaching and field ministry activity.'
'Congregants are not required to observe any dress code or personal grooming guidelines established by Watchtower when they engage in formal field service. However, congregation members are encouraged to follow the Bible’s guidelines for well-arranged and modest dress and grooming.'
'The primary purpose of a congregation member’s field service activity is to preach the Good News of God’s Kingdom and honor Jehovah God, not to invite people to meetings at the Kingdom Hall or to begin Bible studies so as to attract new members.'
If that is true, then that is blatant lie of the highest order. A review of all their publications including the Our Kingdom Ministry newsletter will show the opposite of what guy stated. What they are hiding from ? Is not this time to preach to the secular authorities about good news of the kingdom?
rather be in hades
i think some of that stuff is true only on technicalities.
i used to do early morning service a lot. that was probably the bulk of my service when i was pioneering.
we didn't always have a meeting for service before hand. a quick prayer and off to throw down the watchtowers on nsuspecting landry mats all over san diego.
so what he said about the meeting for field service is kinda true. there are no 100% you must do this that and the third before service.
technically, you don't have to turn in time. you can jst call up your service overseer or whatever they call them now. you reported it, bt did you turn it in?
assigned territories: like i said, i was all over san diego for early morning witnessing and spent a lot of time in the gaslamp early in the morning, but my territory was at least 15 miles away. they encouraged us to stay in our area, but pioneers don't go by those rles when time is on the line.
dress code...if you've ever been late and still went in your work clothes...
the bible doesn't explicitly state you have to condct bible studies with the literature, nor does it say you have to get them to the kingdom hall
it's all verbal judo.
as the great obi wan kenobi once said..."what i said was true...from a certain point of view"
problem is luke skywalker got pissed and went all jedi in the emperor's throne room.
rather be in hades
also, did anyone notice what they objected on for the campos case?
they never objected to the facts of campos molesting kids
they didn't object to the facts that campos was molesting kids while in a position of power in the congregation, or that he was molesting a god damn 5 year old.
no....they objected to the points establishing control over the congregation. meeting attendance, the dress code, the time slips, the bible studies and inviting people to the hall. so they objected to the idea that they were clpable for campos in anyway. that his going ot in service was their fault. that kids going to kingdom halls around predators was their fault.
what a 'godly' organization!
Hummmmmm they can't have it both ways.
Most protestant churches, ie baptist, own the building and sort of do their own thing. So no big $$ cases when something goes south.
WTBTS controls everything. So that is why the MENLO PARK CONGREGATION scandal is important. It shows they now own and control EVERYTHING and therefore are responsible FOR EVERYTHING.
It would be great if one of these BIG LAWFIRMS DID SOME PRO-BONO WORK FOR MENLO PARK and a few other halls ...a few things need rulings....( I hope some of you legle eagles are reading here today). Like a nut cracker...you need less energy with force from 2 directions....more effective than a hammer.
Hi Barb,
Will the total settlement amount on this case ever be disclosed, like the settlement in 2007?
rather be in hades,
I haven't read any of those documents yet, BUT:
: 1986 - linda vista splits into la jolla and linda vista. both halls comprised of members from the original linda vista (57)
This is total bullshit. I lived in San Diego most of my life and that statement is bullshit. La Jolla is on the coast and is a gentrified neighborhood. Linda Vista was a VERY poor neighborhood up on a hill above north Mission Valley and about 8 or nine miles away from La Jolla. There was probably at least a dozen congregations between the two areas. a There is NO WAY Kingdom Halls from those geographically diverse and economically diverse neighborhoods could have ever shared anything together, not a Kingdom Hall, and certainly not a congregation.
Linda Vista was the community which was settled when the Vietnamese boat people landed in San Diego in the mid-1970's. I've sold real estate in both Linda Vista AND La Jolla, so I know. Within just about 2 years, I sold a Linda Vista home for $34,000 and a LOT in La Jolla for $318,000. San Diego is a huge city, the second largest city in California and I lived there in 1986. "Brothers" in La Jolla would no more put up with "brothers" from Linda Vista than I would put up with an elder trying to bullshit me on Watchtower doctrine.
It must be a misquote, or something else.