New contribution box at the hall ?
by Poztate 36 Replies latest jw friends
Some congregations put a box on the counter by the mags and literature....unofficial intimidation.
Yeah...never know that could be possible. Might have to go to the KH in the near future for a funeral.
I will scope it out then...Thanks Blondie..
I do the counting for my group, and it's not usually much. There are actually two boxes now, since one member got leukemia and a "fund" was setup to help the family as well as for future medical emergencies/family support.
why don't they just set up a mosh pit and play , send me your money - by suicidal tendencies ?
processor: Draw Close to the Contribution Box
Last time I went to Kingdom Hall, there were only two collection boxes... ...just had a thought, if the WT are releasing a series of DVDs for children, then maybe a new (child friendly, lol) contribution box will appear at Kingdom Halls - at 'child height' and children will be encouraged to donate some of their pocket money (stress on parents the importance of encouraging them to get into habit of donating whilst young)
There are three boxes which are correctly called:
- Contributions for Kingdom Hall (local costs)
- Contributions for the WWW (Literature. You pay here when you pick up literature and also any contributions from in the ministry)
- Contributions for Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide (used to be called Society Kingdom Hall Fund)
This last one is the ever growing fund which is used to provide loans, those loans then repaid, so it is never 'spent', only ever grows.
Contributions slowed after the Book Study was cancelled - that was another opportunity to donate but it's now been rolled into the midweek meeting.
Dont forget the last box at the hall: REPORTS!