I left the Witnesses over 10 years ago, but finally went back

by JakeMarley 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Tell it MOSHE

    After ten years Jake still can't connect Dots one , two and three

    If he could, dot four would not lead him back to the door of the Kingdom Hall

    I think he's made the right decision

    If he can't use his brain let the WTS use it for 'em


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    This better be your last post or you'll find yourself on the outside looking in because if you believe it "jehovah and jesus" are watching your every move and you'll be an armagedden goner for posting here.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hello Jake and Welcome!!!

    Glad you came here and posted. I hope you will stay a while.

    The mistake I made when deciding to study with Jw's (a 2nd time) was FEAR.

    It took me some time to figure this out, but that is what propelled me to seek out the JW's.

    The WT publications are filled with fearful messages. And it was a time when the 1st Gulf War was taking place.

    Fear is not a good reason.

    As others have asked, the first thing I thought after reading your post: "Why are you on this site?"

    Is there uncertainty about your decision to be baptized?

    Once you are baptized, it would not be permitted for you to look at information about JW's outside the WTS publications.

    Or to be on this website. Or to question any of the teachings.

    Why did you leave 10 years ago?

    And is it only fear of surviving Armaggeddon the reason for your studying again?

    I have lost 20 years of my life to a LIE. I was waiting for the real life in the new system. For 20 years I made life decisions based on a lie.

    Do you want to stop living your life for fear that you will lose your life?

    Most witnesses have good intentions, but are in the dark when it comes to the lies and propaganda from the Big Boys in Brooklyn.

    They have NOT been truthful regarding the history of the WTS.

    Please take your time to search the history:

    The failed prophecies from these men.

    The child abuse coverups.

    The Mind Control tactics that they use. (It is a CULT)

    The unnecessay deaths of those who refused blood transfusions.

    Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron is an excellent book. Fast and easy to read and really gets to the heart of the 2 main JW tenets regarding the faithful and discreet slave( Matthew 25:45-47) and what every witness recites when there's a change in the teachings " the light gets brighter"( Proverbs 4:18) . It is clear and concise and these beliefs fall like a house of cards.

    Raymond Franz book-"Crisis of Conscience" lifts the veil off the inner workings of The Governing Body. Fascinating read.

    I haven't yet read Steven Hassan's book;" Combatting Mind Control" but many here also recommend it.

    Take time and research before taking the plunge!!!!!!!!!!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Jake, fear of any kind leads to control, not happiness.

    If you aren't happy, and you are also scared because the world is in tumult, that in no way means that JWs are right. It just means that you have yet to be comfortable in your own skin outside of a KH.

    Sadly, you seem to be the kind of person that the leadership of JWs preys upon, those who are in fear and don't know any other way. I wish you the best, so long as you are truly honest with yourself about what you see.



  • Finkelstein

    The world is too messed up to take a chance.

    Sounds like your still mentally holding on to the assertion that the world is devastatingly corrupt, evil and because of this god will destroy it all very soon.

    Of course you once again failed to realize that this is nothing but commercialized propaganda devised to help the WTS. sell and proliferate

    its published literature and have people distribute its literature.

    Perhaps you need to take some history lessens, in doing so you'll come to realize that the world is not as messed up as it was in the past,

    comparatively in ancient biblical times, medieval times or even hundred years ago.

    Some people who leave the JWS religion consume themselves with a bunch a unwholesome activities, things that were banned inside the organization

    such a smoking, drug use, loose sexual conduct and alike and after a while they've put themselves in a regrettable personal situation.

    Those ones look back at their life while a JWS and think to themselves well I should have remained a JWS and I wouldn't be in the trouble I'm in now.

    Life is about taking responsibility for are self and others, religion for so many is a pretentious crutch availing those with a lack of personal integrity

    so they let religion take care of that responsibility, creating a seemingly pretentious character.

  • diamondiiz

    A perfect example of a person under jw mind control who left believing and never took the time to research the cult and now signed onto an apostate site without realizing it ;) LOL

    If you're for real take your time researching watchtower starting with Russell. If you enjoy wasting your life go ahead and get baptized and be the best dub you can be and see where that get you when you get old and dying.


    The world is too messed up to take a chance.

    Go get some KFC and Beer..Bring it home and watch TV..

    You`ll have a better chance of..

    Surviving a world disaster..

    It`s in the Bible..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • dreamgolfer


    the World has been MESSED up for over 2,000+ years. We are no different than in the 1st Century, Henry the 8th's time, the Civil War, etc....

    The entire time I was gone it was nagging at me. I hadn't been previously baptized, so leaving wasn't that big a deal. Now I'm back in the swing of it, going to all meetings and field service. I hope to get baptized soon. The world is too messed up to take a chance. Does anyone else feel like this? I was sick of the nagging "what if's". I finally feel at peace. There is no what "if's NO Buddy can change the future, we are all worm food in the end, but if going back makes you feel better - do it!

  • puffthedragon

    Hey everyone lets not scare OP off. No one has heard his story yet. Most of us at some point, especially before we learned the WT dirty secrets probably struggled with the idea of if we should leave or if we should come back. OP, can you give us a little background please?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    My story is like Rip Van. My family was in, never got baptized. When I finally did, it was out of FEAR, and things weren't going well in my life which (in hind sight) I had the power to change. But no. I took the easy way out and joined, six years of prue dedication. I left more depressed and "now" suicidal.

    One has to do what one has to do. But if you do not research with the tools you have now (computer) .....well, I'm just saying

    I'm not putting you down by no means. I just wish I would have had the information I know now. I that's why I so angered by the GB and WTS corp. They split families apart, when they themselves, are doing things that are highly un ethical.

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