Email from my grandmother yesterday.

by elder-schmelder 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • leeza

    Billy, thanks for your words of encouragement.

    KS, thanks for understanding. I know what you mean when you say, "That kind of thinking fuels JWs into thinking that God will take care of all things in the New System." It is kind of an arrogant cop out for JW's (thinking that way.) I just wish him to be at peace with himself and let people like her be their miserable selves. Although, it can be so very difficult when it's your family especially a GM who has had so much influence in your life. I can imagine his pain. When those you love are too closed minded to even entertain the idea that they might be wrong; all you want is for them to see. And hopefully, someday . . . she might at least look into the possibility, and hopefully before she actually acts on her threats. That would be so nice.

    I have a lot of questions. I have read a lot and researched a lot of different religions (still many more to look into.)

    Maybe someday I will a post a thread concerning one of the things that I have read about. It would be nice to find out your opinion.

  • DeWandelaar

    99.99999% to good causes? that means she is not absolutely sure that ALL her money will be well spend :)

  • featherimiss

    How are about keeping your views to yourself. I would not deny or would I try to convince them that they are in a cult.

    She is old and she is probably happy with her choice of faith. Let her enjoy her faith and you enjoy your life and your choice of faith.

    I think as ex-jw we find ourselves in the same frame of mind as JW's we feel it's our right to tell people the truth. I was the same way when I first left the organization. But now I realize he person is responsible for their own truth.

    So to keep your lively hood....especially if you enjoy. I would just stay away from religous conversations.

  • braincleaned

    Control. Just like the WTS. Control. She may have your financial balls, but thankfully not your mind and heart! More power to you.

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