The Governing Body intends to announce significant changes in academic literature (DOCTRINES) - Brazil

by Dogpatch 375 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chariklo

    Bookmarked, thanks

  • OnTheWayOut

    LOL at CyberJesus comment.

    While I do believe many of "you guys here" have an inside track, it is just fun speculation until they come out with stupid new light.

    I kind of hope it's an all-out push for the last days lasting no longer than the days of Noah before the flood- 120 years expiring in 2034. That would get them past the psychological barrier of 2014 and to a point where most current GB would be nearly dead. Only this time, all the money will be gone and all the lawyers and accountants will be gone with it.

    Hey, I can dream.

  • Paralipomenon

    Can we start an ex-jw pot on what the changes will be?

    I have $5 on a refined understanding of the Generation and the 144,000 no longer being a litteral number.

  • sir82

    Guys, these folks have the charisma of rutabagas and the imagination of gravel.

    They don't have the cojones to rock the boat too much.

    At most we'll see a list of new disfellowshipping offenses and a new emphasis on using tracts only in door to door work.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    1914 could have meant something else?

    a thousand years is but a day to jay hover now applied to the generation...that'd buy 'em like...3.65 million years before the end might come :P

  • Scott77

    Mr. Randy,

    I am not qualified to comment on this issues I do not know but do believe, this does not prevent me from speculating on what the Watchtower Society's Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is going to say or announce. One possible change will be mandatory reporting to secular authorities should suspected child sexual abuse come to the emmediate attention of elders. I recall, the Watchtower Attorney during closing arguement, stated that Ms Conti has won already. I think, she won in the sense that Watchtower policies will be changed to reflect her wish. I may not be correct but that is one possible issue.

    Anyway, I think, its a mother of all mockery, that whole notion of doctrinal change and the Watchtower Society's Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses' ability to know in advance of the light's coming. It raised a major questiion about their ability to know the light in advace. What a cult it is!


  • Bella15

    I hope they will accept Jesus as THE LORD AND SAVIOR and start giving their lifes to HIM while there is time ... that't would be so awesome ... but I don't know if they will still think they are better than the rest of the BODY OF CHRIST and the only ones to obtain salvation ...;(

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    scott77: if that is a change, and i'd be srprised if it wasn't, then it's rather odd jay hobo would have to resort to letting/allowing/forcing (it is hova's will after all) children to be molested in order to make obvios changes.

    what a loving god

  • 00DAD

    Well at some point they're going to have to scrap the 144k thing as time goes on, but they could probably stretch that out for another Overlapping Generation or two!!!

  • cyberjesus

    that the generation refers in reality to the people who talk about the generation therefore thats the generation that will see this things fulfilled...

    By the time the cattle figures that one out they will be to old to care.

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