The Governing Body intends to announce significant changes in academic literature (DOCTRINES) - Brazil

by Dogpatch 375 Replies latest jw friends

  • daringhart13


    You nailed the entire problem with JWs in a nutshell: the apostates no more about the religion than the JWs themselves. I have yet to meet ONE JW that can explain generations to me.......including elders.

    Its all smoke, mirrors and fear.

  • RubaDub

    The major point I heard was:

    1). There will be a letter going out in February that prior to any committee meetings, the accused will have to go through a metal detector and screened by a TSA agent. Any TSA agent involved in pedophilia in the past will be asked if the practice has continued. The TSA Agent will be allowed to perform the full body pat-down provided it has been "a number of years" since the last incident took place.

    Rub a Dub

  • stuckinamovement

    I bet they start appointing non "annointed" to the GB. Their candidate pool of loyal, koolaid drinking, semi sane "annointed" brothers with a track record in the organization is shrinking quickly.

  • redvip2000

    I fully agree with that are saying that this is not going to be doctrinal changes. When it comes to doctrinal changes, the Org has backed itself into a corner. They are desperately needed, but executing them will mean ridicule, finger pointing from apostates and a few more JWs walking out the door.

    Instead this will be procedural stuff and that's why only elders are invited. The WT society can clearly see that in light of the Conti case, the flood gates are open and dozens if not hundreds of lawsuits will follow with the promise of big bucks from judgements and settlements.

  • Londo111

    Again if true, and if it is true that there are no more three-day district conventions, they might adjust how changes are disseminated.

    If they soften their stance on anything, the blood doctrine looks ripe from scrapping.

  • Paralipomenon

    One of the things that is tapping in the back of my mind is the upcoming meeting to help the elders understand the new changes so they can help the flock accept it as well.

    Could this be related to the blood fractions letter that was recently released? A meeting telling them that life is sacred and to stop refusing these "dirivatives"?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Maybe it's a translation problem but calling something printed by Watchtower, "academic literature" is like calling preschool "college."

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I am only guessing and speculating but I have a feeling that the door to door preaching work will change some how I think it is getting to be a very large liability for them and that there will be more emphasis on reaching people via the web and maybe having special appointments made to visit through the online contacts or directing people to visit the Kingdom Hall.

    But the Watchtower has so many faults which need corecting it could be any number of issues.

    In light of the child abuse cases I don't think they can continue to send all and sundry from door to door it has become too much of a liability.

  • cyberjesus


    We told you we that were very close to Armageddon in the past... but now the new information is this:

    This time we are very close to Armageddon. The light was off then thats why we thought we were close but now Godova using the GB is talking to us and he send us a Text Message sayin "Hrry N S soo Closen NOW :-S"

  • Sherilynn

    If the elder only meeting is in Sept or October it seems that would go along with when the generation changes were printed in the Watchtower as I believe it was Oct 95 when the change to generation being wicked..which I found hard to accept but then swallowed it, then the change to two overlaping generations first came out in printed in October 2010....correct me if I am wrong but Sept/Oct seems to me to be when new lightis put to print in the Watchtower Study articles.

    I faded years ago but this last generation change bringing forth old light as new light would have been the deal breaker for me but still find myself wondering how some of my former friends can still go to the hall and sit there and swallow this crap, other than each family feels locked in for the sake of family but dont dare speak of it between themselves.

    So Sad So Sad

    Peace & Love,

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