It is strange isn't it...........there must have been 1000's upon 1000's of JW's from 1968-75 all with secret doubts as to whether the GB, FDS or whatever you want to call them really had it right about 1975.................I never met any JW that voiced doubts, not one.
I did know brothers & sisters that gave up careers, pensions & sold homes to pioneer in the last remaining months before Armageddon. Carefully planning how they could make their financial resources last whilst doing the Borgs bidding of having a share in the most momentous preaching campaign ever in the final days of the old system of things.
You Rob had courage to voice your opinion & are living proof of the intolerance of the Borg towards other's viewpoints.
I agree with you Theredeemer I just wish the Borg would focus on being 'christian' & caring toward others.
I had a leaflet pushed through my door from the local Baptisit church. The list of bible study & physical activities specifically for youths & children was amazing. The women had prayer & study meetings applicable to them as the men had also. Then there were times for family worship as well.
A stark contrast to the stuffy austeer meeting schedule the poor JW's have to endure.