Pre 1975 if you said the system would still be here in 2012...........

by karter 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Then they would say your spiritually weak and probably cut down on your position within your Hall.

    The game with this religion like many others is that if you don't vocally support exactly what the

    hierarchal leaders of the religion says through thier expressed doctrines, then your spiritually weak or even apostate evil.

    One notable clue to acknowledging that the WTS. is a false teacher is that no other religious organization has put forth

    as many false teachings, since its founding beginning.

    One therefore can say its true a religion for idiots.

  • Theredeemer

    The truth is, the end is just around the corner. It could come right now. That end is our death. Thats the point Jesus was trying to make. What have we done to prove ourselves right now? If the Org was smart and humble they would leave the armageddon teaching and just focus on being "good" christians or people. Doing that, though, would mean relenquishing alot of power because the fear would be gone..or at least some of it.

  • Heartofaboy

    It is strange isn't it...........there must have been 1000's upon 1000's of JW's from 1968-75 all with secret doubts as to whether the GB, FDS or whatever you want to call them really had it right about 1975.................I never met any JW that voiced doubts, not one.

    I did know brothers & sisters that gave up careers, pensions & sold homes to pioneer in the last remaining months before Armageddon. Carefully planning how they could make their financial resources last whilst doing the Borgs bidding of having a share in the most momentous preaching campaign ever in the final days of the old system of things.

    You Rob had courage to voice your opinion & are living proof of the intolerance of the Borg towards other's viewpoints.

    I agree with you Theredeemer I just wish the Borg would focus on being 'christian' & caring toward others.

    I had a leaflet pushed through my door from the local Baptisit church. The list of bible study & physical activities specifically for youths & children was amazing. The women had prayer & study meetings applicable to them as the men had also. Then there were times for family worship as well.

    A stark contrast to the stuffy austeer meeting schedule the poor JW's have to endure.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    1973,1974,1975 I believed Armegeddon was coming. I was 23 years old, all I knew was "the truth"

    January 1976, I started fading, quit being a ministerial servant, it took me to 1983 to figure out how to never go back

    and not get in trouble.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Heartofaboy said:

    I agree with you Theredeemer I just wish the Borg would focus on being 'christian' & caring toward others.

    See, that's the kind of thing I completely don't understand: WHY would anyone want to REFORM an organization which is obviously built on LIES stacked on top of LIES? Even if the WTBTS removed Armageddon threat from it's theology, WHY would anyone see it as a worthwhile endeavor to waste any energy on? Just because a scam is old and successful doesn't mean it's no longer a scam.

    Fact is, I think the hyper-literality of JWs does good by exposing the Bible itself as nothing more than a document of historical relevance, but nothing worth wasting one's only life over! It has NO monopoly on the basics of morality (and in fact, is perhaps AS AMORAL as philosophies get, endorsing bigotry, slavery, subjugation of women, etc).

    I really don't get it....

  • blondie

    I was bad, when pushed by other jws that 1975 was a sure thing, I would mention Matthew 24:42,44 and say if they if they thought it was in 1975 it could not be, it had to be at a time you did not think it to be. Amazingly, the WTS used the point after 1975 passed with no event.

    42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what day YOUR Lord is coming.

    44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.

  • BluesBrother

    Apostate ? No.... but viewed as a "Doubting Thomas" ? yes... The whole thrust of the times that Armageddon was virtually HERE !, if the WT said it may not be on the date, then they must mean only a few months past.

    If one had said that 21st century could come in the "old world" they we would have thought that you were definitely lacking faith....

  • wallsofjericho

    to this vary day if you say that the "new system" could be 20-30 years away you would be counseled for a bad attitude.

    after the last generation change this point was clearly driven home at our CA by our CO. TO paraphrase "we would NOT conclude that the new system could be 20 or 30 years away, that would be very dangerous to think such a thing"

    such BS

  • Theredeemer

    King Solomon...

    I do completely agree with you but that doesnt mean its without hope. That religion is filled with good people...or maybe ive been watching too much batman.

  • snare&racket

    The jews waited 30 years in the hills above Jerusalem remember.........


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