Pre 1975 if you said the system would still be here in 2012...........

by karter 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    I was so depressed during my JW youth that it would have been unimaginable for me to even think that I had a future in this world let alone in the organization. As they say, back then my future was foreshortened.

    That the system survived and that I also survived will always be the most miraculous aspects of my life. Surviving the odds builds self-confidence and the ongoing legacy for me is an extremely well-developed bullshit barometer: No book or no one can ever again panic me into believing the end is nigh - although I healthily accept that my own life is finite.

  • flipper

    KARTER- Pre 1975 if you said the system would still be here in 2012.......... we would have been laughed at by most JW's and thought to be mentally ill. Isn't it amazing WHO the mentally ill people are now here in 2012 ? It's most all of Jehovah's Witnesses hanging on to this insane teaching

  • cedars

    I remember when I finished primary school I was told by my parents that they hadn't considered the possibility that I would need to go to high school, since they expected Armageddon to have been and gone by that time. This was the late eighties! Obviously, as I came to learn of the 1975 debacle, I understood more why they were thinking along those lines.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The amazing thing is the tenacity with which the human mind holds onto beliefs, and the capacity to rewrite the story "on the fly", so as to protect the core belief....

    And the sad part is, they STILL think they'll get the last laugh on all of us fools who didn't listen....

    Of course, they're egged on after being fed images like these of Noah (note how Noah's saying, "plenty of room for all of you"):

    Oh, and here's the outcome, per the Bible:

    Obviously someone (at least,, the hawkers of these particular images) is making some $$$ off selling depictions of Proto-Armageddon (AKA Noah's Flood), if not selling the entire fable of Noah's ark in the form of material to speak about on Sundays in Church....

  • james_woods
    It may havebeen okay to not get fully onboard with 1975, especially as thedate approached, but "the slave" insisted that the 1914 generation would live to see the end in the 20th century.

    I told them in the late 70s (in an exit interview with the elders) that not only did 1975 NOT HAPPEN, but that they would have to eventually think up some explanation when it was obvious that all witness adults alive in 1914 had died off.

    They called me a false prophet. Wonder what they would say about that now?

    Probably deny the conversation ever took place.

  • Ucantnome

    Pre 1975 if you said the system would still be here in 2012...........Would they have D.Fed as an Apostate????

    I think it would have depended on how you were coming to this conclusion while still accepting that the generation that saw and understood the events of 1914 would still be alive at the start of the tribulation.

  • Ucantnome

    In 1970 I believe the life expectancy for a man in the UK was 68.7

  • 3rdgen

    I'm not sure whether or not a person would have been disfellowshipped in the late 60's and 70's for saying Armageddon wouldn't arrive in that century. But I do know for SURE that he would have been hauled in the back room and told never to say such a thing again. And if he did, he positively would have been DFed as at that point he would be considered rebellious and insubordinate. Apostacy would not have to enter the picture at this point. Once the Elders tell a person to stop doing something, ANYTHING (right or wrong) he must stop or he positively WILL be DFed.

    To illistrate the furvor leading up to 1975: My husband built a home for us in '73. He was told he was not exemplary and could not be appointed a servant because he was not living like the "End" was imminant. In the late 70's he built another house for us that was bigger and better than the 1st. This time however, it was ok since 75 had come and gone, he was appointed an Elder. The "Holy Spirit must have changed it's mind. LOL

  • Finkelstein

    Religion by definition is an agreed to set of lies, the point is whether or not your willing to partake in this established agreement.

    1975 just like 1914 were constructed lies devised to heighten interest to the WTS. publications .

    That is " The Truth " whether one realizes that or not.

    Because the WTS. is a commercially inspired religious publishing house, one should not be surprised that Biblically unsupported doctrines

    would come out of this publishing house, in spite of the fact there is a religion framed around it.

  • whathappened

    Every decision we made in the late 60's and early 70's was based on the fact that Armageddon was coming in '75. If you didn't go along with the propaganda you were viewed as one of little faith. How dare you doubt what the Watchtower Society was saying.

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