Pre 1975 if you said the system would still be here in 2012...........

by karter 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    It is all in the approach. As a woman, I learned to frame things as a question, wanting info that I could use to explain things to a non-jw. Thus I did not get in "trouble." But I did give people something to think about.

    1. The 7th creative day started right after Eve was created yet the 6,000 years the WTS calculated started with the creation of Adam some time before Eve's creation. Thus the WTS saying that 1975 was 6,000 years of human history, not 6,000 years into the 7th creative day. That means that there was the time period between Adam's creation and Eve's. The Bible is silent on its duration. And since Jesus was present and helping God create per the WTS, he would have known what that time period was and would not have said he did not know "the day and the hour" (Mt 24:36). The WTS chose to assume that Eve was created only a year after Adam thus making 1975 a viable date. But the bible does not say.

    2. Mt. 24:42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what day YOUR Lord is coming.

    Mt 24:44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.

    So Jesus not only said it could not be calculated, that if you tried, you'd be what would I say to a householder that used these scriptures.

    "Aid" book claimed Adam and Eve were created in the same year:
    Adam at age 130 had a son, Seth --Aid to Bible Understanding, p.333Eve at age 130 had a son, Seth -- Aid to Bible Understanding, p.538

    "According to reliable Bible chronology, Adam and Eve were created in 4026 B.C.E" Awake, Oct. 8, 1968, p.14

    ". . .it is logical that He (God) would create Eve soon after Adam, perhaps just a few weeks or months later in the same year, 4026 B.C.E." Watchtower, May 1, 1968, p.271

    Then in October of 1975 the WTS finally saw (or had God reveal!) what a non-anointed woman had know for 9 years.

    *** w75 10/1 p. 579 The End of 6,000 Years of Man-Rule Approaches—What Has Been Accomplished? ***

    SINCE a new Jewish lunar year began in September 1975 a significant point in human history was reached. What was that? According to the Bible’s count of time, mankind then completed 6,000 years of existence on earth. Yes, the first man Adam, if he had chosen to remain obedient under God’s rulership, would have still been alive and 6,000 years old in September of this year.

    Does this mean, then, that mankind has now reached 6,000 years into the 7,000-year period that God ‘blessed and made sacred’ as his great “rest day”? Does it mean that Christ’s millennial Kingdom rule, as the final 1,000 years of that “rest day,” is to be reckoned from September 1975?—Gen. 1:27, 31; 2:2, 3; Rev. 20:1-6.

    No, it does not mean that. Why not? Well, the Bible record shows that God’s creations on the “day” just preceding that 7,000-year “rest day” did not end with Adam’s creation. It shows a time lapse between the creation of Adam and that of his wife, Eve. During that time, God had Adam name the animals. Whether that period amounted to weeks or months or years, we do not know. So we do not know exactly when Jehovah’s great “rest day” began, nor do we know exactly when it will end. The same applies to the beginning of Christ’s millennial reign. The Bible provides us no way to fix the date, and so it does us no good to speculate when that date may be.—Gen. 2:18-25; Matt. 24:42, 44.

    However, the Bible’s time clock does indicate to us that 6,000 years of human history end in this year 1975. Early in God’s “rest day” Adam became a rebel against God-rule. Thus, for the most part, the first 6,000 years of man’s history have been marked by man-rule. What did man’s independent rulership accomplish during those six millenniums of time, or six spans of 1,000 years each? Let us take a panoramic view of those millenniums, each in its turn.

  • steve2

    Blondie - you express it well. Women have had to learn to be more indirect and almost apologetic with their scintillating questions. Men in general - but religious men in particular - find women's ability to see through stupid male ideas very threatening.

    There's incredibly little room in the Bible for listening to women - with the exception of women who were completely subservient to patriarchal figures and were vitual mouthpieces of men. It was also no accident that newly-converted Paul admonished the early Christians not to allow women to speak at gatherings but instead to ask their husbands. Heaven help the cartloads of women whose husbands were abusive! There's nothing quite like bolstering a prejudice with a scripture for total justification.

    Even Chuck Russell's wife had to be very careful how she questioned what was happening among the early Bible Students. In the end, Russell bad-mouthed her so completely in print calling her a proud, vengeful and lying woman. He then tried to come across as a saintly man of God who himself was never a proud, vengeful or lying man. By then the women-hating rot had well and truly set into Christianity just as it had in Judiasm and Islam. Now the Watchtower expresses its contempt for women primarily through its patronizing praise of women who consider it a privilege to slave away inside a male-rule organization that keeps them under tight "Christian" control.

  • karter

    When i look at my old congro there may be 1 elder who was around pre 1975 even alot of C.O's and D.O's were not around pre 75.

    They only have the sanatized verson like...Brother & sisters reading too much into it and running ahead of the organization.


  • Refriedtruth

    apocolomania -Now that is a cool word. I was born third generation to hard core Jehovah's Witnesses parents.Went through the 1975 'apocolomania' big time. In 1967-73 my entire circuit banner years of blissful happiness in anticipation of the end of this wicked system in Fall of 1975. The closest thing to the joyful rush we were experiencing is what historian and eyewitnesses describe in Nazi Germany 1939-43 when Germany had conquered Europe before the Russian failure and battle of Britain failure.It was truly bliss to me a Nazi for those 4 short years. Then it came came crashing down....

    NOW 1914 set to be 'retired' It used to be 1914 for Jesus second coming is all we ever read,talked about now the false 'profits' Watchtower would like 1914 to go away.
  • dozy

    My father once showed me his notebook neatly detailing how his savings would last till mid 1976 ( he gave himself a bit of wiggle room there.)

    In the early 70's , caught up in the WTBTS inspired frenzy , my parents sold our lovely home , gave up a great paying job , pulled me & my silblings out of a good school and away from a nice congregation & moved us 600 miles to an area where there were few JWs to serve where the need was greater & eke out the remaining years. Frankly it was a pretty rubbish time , initially at least.

    I still remember lying in my bed hearing my parents arguing furiously night after night when the money finally ran out. My father had a succession of poorly paid short term jobs ( remember this was the mid 70's when there was a huge recession ). Luckily he was able to retrain & find reasonably paid work again eventually.

    But in answer to the question , you would have been regarded as pretty weak at best. Now the culture is different. I keep hearing JWs say that " even if Armageddon doesn't come in my lifetime....". The urgency has long gone amongst most JWs.

  • Ucantnome

    They only have the sanatized verson like...Brother & sisters reading too much into it and running ahead of the organization.

    About a year or so ago I had an elder call on me and we got into a discussion about the new understanding of the generation. The discussion progressed and we began talking about 1975 and how many were disappointed. Some left the organization after 1975. The elder who was only a child in 1975 and was not a Witness child then tried to explain to me how some had been "reading too much into it and running ahead of the organization" or similar thoughts to this.

    Unlike this elder I was there. I was a regular pioneer. We attended all of the meetings and assemblies. My father was an elder. I know what was said at the meetings and assemblies and in the publications and how the elders and circuit overseers that served our congregation felt.

    Although as a family we believed that Armageddon the Great Tribulation could occur at anytime, we also were taught that the autumn of 1975 ended 6000 years of God's 7th creative day which would be only 7000 years long with the last 1000 years being the reign of Christ. This wasn't a totally new idea but goes back I believe to Pastor Russel and the plan of the ages.

    We also had faith in "the Creator's promise of a new order of lasting peace and true security within our generation" (Awake January 8th 1975 page 2) and preached this in our witness work. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

    The elder didn't stay at my house long.


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