For a flip flop or two, try:
ORGAN TRANSPLANTS1967-1980: prohibited as "cannibalism" WT 11/15/67 p.702
Since 1980 - permitted WT 3/15/80 p.31
11/15/1967 p702: "Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. "
3/15/1980 p31: "Some Christians might feel that taking into their bodies any tissue or body part from another human is cannibalistic. "
I wonder why "some Christians might feel that way"....? This is the Society's method of introducing "new light" and dismissing old "light" as opinions of members.
VACCINATIONS1931-1952 Prohibited as being a "direct violation of the everlasting covenant." Golden Age 2/4/31 p.293
Since 1952 - permitted WT 12/15/52 p.764 and AWAKE! 8/22/65 p.20
HEMOGLOBINUp to 2000 not allowed:
Some Christians have occasionally checked the labels on packaged foods, since many governments require that ingredients be listed. And they may choose to do so regularly with any product that they have reason to believe might contain blood. It would be right, of course, to avoid products that listed things such as blood, blood plasma, plasma, globin (or globulin) protein, or hemoglobin (or globin) iron. w92 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers
After 2000 Allowed:
Depending on the condition of the patient, physicians might prescribe red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma. Jehovah’s Witnesses hold that accepting whole blood or any of those four primary components violates God’s law.
Other medicines are coming along that involve (at least initially) extracts from blood components. Such therapies are not transfusions of those primary components; they usually involve parts or fractions thereof. Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? We cannot say. The Bible does not give details, so a Christian must make his own conscientious decision before God. w00 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers
Pastor C.T.Russell taught that Jesus was to be worshiped:
“Question. The fact that our Lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was God the Father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man. Was he really worshiped, or is the translation faulty?
Answer. Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshiped, and properly so. … It was proper for our Lord to receive worship in view of his having been the only begotten of the Father and his agent in the creation of all things, including man."
Zion’s Watch Tower 1898 Jul 15 p.216
From 1954 "NO" - Questions from readers:
“Should we worship Jesus?—G. B., Ethiopia.
" ...the answer to the above question must be that no distinct worship is to be rendered to Jesus Christ now glorified in heaven. Our worship is to go to Jehovah God..."WT 1954 Jan 1 p.31
ORGANIZATION - ITS IMPORTANCE1893 - No organization today WT 1893 p.266
1894 - Not part of the Lord's plan. WT 12/1/1894 p. 384
1895 - Beware of organization WT 9-15-1895 p.216
1955 - Respect the organization Qualified to be Ministers, 1955, p.380
1957 - Obedience to organization. WT 5/1/57 p.274
1972 - Submit to headship (Governing Body) WT 12-15-72 p.755
1983 - Essential part of the Lord's plan WT 2/15/83 p.12
PYRAMIDOLOGYPrior to 1928 - "God's Stone Witness and Prophet" Used to predict dates Thy Kingdom Come, 1891, p.313, 16, 17, 342, 362
Since 1928 - Satan's Bible; not God's Stone Witness. WT 11/15/28 p.344
1928 - Satan's Bible WT 11-15-28 p.841
1930 - Just a pile of stones Light II, 1930, p.286
ROMANS 13:1 - WHO ARE THE "SUPERIOR AUTHORITIES?"1886 - Earthly governments - Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, p.266
1889 - Earthly governments - Time Is At Hand, 1889, p.81
1932 - 1963: God and Christ - Vindication, Vol. 3, 1932, p.13 and The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, p.312
1952 - God and Christ - Let God Be True, 1952, p.248
1959 - God and Christ - Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p.91
1963 - Earthly political governments - WT 1/1/63 p.31
1975 - Earthly political governments - 1975 Yearbook, p.238
1980 - Earthly political governments - WT 5/15/80 p.4
THE REVELATION NAMES "APOLLYON" AND "ABADDON"Refers to Satan - The Finished Mystery, p.159
Refers to Jesus Christ - Then Is Finished the Mystery of God, p.232
WHO IS "THE TRUE LORD?"Jesus Christ WT 9-15-83 p.19
Jehovah God WT 7-1-89 p.30
THE "ALPHA AND OMEGA"OF REVELATION 22:12Refers to Jehovah God - AWAKE! 8/22/78 p.28
Refers to Jesus Christ - WT 10/1/78 p.15
( A major change in just 2 months!)
WHO IS MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL?Not the Son of God - WT November, 1879, p.4
Jesus not an angel - WT March, 1883, p.456
The Pope of Rome - The Finished Mystery, 1926 Edition, p.188
Jesus Christ, the Son of God - Reasoning From the Scriptures, 1985, p.218
1972 NO Organization for Kingdom Preaching..., 1972, p.172
1974 YES WT 8/1/74 pp.464,465
1981 NO WT 9/15/81 p.25
1952 NO WT 6/1/52 p.338
1965 YES WT 8/1/65 p.479
1988 NO WT 8/1/88 p.31
1988 YES "You Can Live Forever..." p.179 (Old Edition)
1988 NO "You Can Live Forever..." p.179 (New Edition)
1988 YES Insight On The Scriptures, Vol.2, p.985
1988 NO Revelation - Its Grand Climax p.273
DANIELS IMAGE - 10 TOESw59 5/15 p.313 ar.36 ('10 TOES' HAS A MEANING)
The number ten being a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness, the ten toes picture all such coexisting powers and governments.
w78 6/15 p.13 Human Governments Crushed by God’s Kingdom ('10 TOES' HAS NO MEANING)
There does not appear to be any prophetic significance to the image’s having ten toes. This is a natural human feature, just as the image has two arms, two legs, and so forth.
w85 7/1 p.31 Questions From Readers ('10 TOES' HAS A MEANING)
Various views have been expressed about the ten “toes.” But since “ten” is often used in the Bible to signify completeness as to things on earth, the ten “toes” appear logically to represent the entire global system of rulership at the culmination of the days
w12 6/15 p.14 Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place"('10 TOES' HAS NO MEANING)
Para 11. when describing the image, Daniel does not mention the number of toes. Therefore, the number seems no more significant than the fact that the image had multiple arms, hands, fingers, legs, and feet.
WHEN WAS THE 'SECOND PRESENCE' OF JESUS CHRIST?1874 - Harp of God, 1921, p.234
1874 - WT 1/1/24 p.5
1874 - Creation, 1927, p.289
1874 - Prophecy, 1929, p.65
1914 - AWAKE! 4/22/57 pp. 11,12
1914 - From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, 1958, p.170
1914 - God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years..., 1973, pp. 209,210
1914 - You Can Live Forever..., 1982, p.147
The Society said in the Watchtower issue of WT 1/15/93 p.5 "The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honest hearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914."
"CONSISTENTLY"? After examining the above quotes, is this true?
WHO IS THE "FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE?"a. All anointed Watchtower members - JWS in the Divine Purpose, p.68
b. Brother Russell filled the office of special "servant" - WT 3/1/23 p.6
c. From 1896 to 1916 - Watchtower founder, Charles Taze Russell The Finished Mystery, 1917, p.5
d. Charles Taze Russell - The finished Mystery, 1917, p.53
e. Spiritual Israelites: the 'anointed' Society members - From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, 1958, p.193
f. The Watchtower admits earlier view that Russell was considered "the Servant" Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 1959, p.69
g. A "class" of individuals - 1975 Yearbook, p.88
Prior to 1923: The separating of the sheep and the goats is a future event taking place after the tribulation.
1923-1995: The separating of the sheep and the goats began in 1914 and is currently taking place.
1995-current: The separating of the sheep and the goats is a future event taking place after the tribulation.