I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago

by Iamallcool 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aware!

    talesin, I didn't see that. I'm not playing moderator; I just wanted him to stop being angry.

    Edit: I saw someone else post the guidelines when I replied in another language to a poster who clearly didn't speak English and was ignored. I thought it was okay to do it. I just saw Shirley's post.

  • ShirleyW

    Thx KristiKay

  • Iamallcool

    KristiKayRe: I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago posted 6 mins ago (8/17/2012)

    Post 105 of 105
    Since 12/13/2010

    ShirleyW, you crack me up here's to you

    rolling eyes(Iamallcool)

  • talesin


    I just wanted you to see that he was being taunted. I realize that the "FU" probably caught your attention.

  • Iamallcool

    Aware, thank you for noticing Shirley's posting. She is very well known to push my buttons from time to time.

  • ShirleyW

    Aware, thank you for noticing Shirley's posting. She is very well known to push my buttons from time to time

    EXACTLY, I play you like a violin, it's just that easy to get you worked up about absolutely nothing !

  • KristiKay

    All cool, you kinda rubbed me the wrong way when you posted on one of my threads a while back and said that I was probably a "0" Then had to take it back when I had the ballz to post a pic. Then you said I was a '10'..You need to stop judging women on there looks, places where they live,ect. It gets somewhat offensive. My feeling is that you do not know much about women, and you need to stop with your judgements ie;the one wife was hot the other wasn,t" I wanna see a pic of you since you so critical of womens appearences

  • Aware!

    I realize that the "FU" probably caught your attention.

    But he told Shirley "FU" first. GAHH! Let's just forget this already.

  • mrsjones5

    Good lord

    Back to Pinterest

  • Iamallcool

    Shirley, you are crazy.

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