Good Night, I will try to sleep after being too shocked.
I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago
by Iamallcool 116 Replies latest jw friends
coitus well-and-truly-interruptus
Tend to your own garden, brother. You'll sleep easier.
Twitch, if you were very shocked, you would not be able to sleep either.
I am eating frozen mangos now, hopefully it will help me go to sleep.
Loz x
Some are more easily shocked than others ..................
Maybe his first wife had too-wild bachelor party and he found out about it?
Aussie Oz
i thought the law was you had to be separated 12 months before a divorce is granted...i guess it depends on the country then...
unless the pope GB gave an anullment?
Divorces can be processed quickly if both parties agree. She could have done something and got private reproof. Once that is done, it is supposed to be over. They don't go backward and change the private reproof to a public reproof, so if the matter was handled, and then they decided to divorce anyway, I would not expect an announcement. In fact, I've known people who have left spouses that were privately reproved for adultery, and it made dating awkward because people were unsure if they 'scripturally free'.
All I'm saying is that this is a completely believable scenario. People are privately reproved all the time, even for adultery. It certainly is not private anymore, since he is free to remarry in a KH, but the original event was.