I'm pretty much shaking all over right now.
This is because I've decided that I will attend the Memorial at my local KH on Thursday. (It is Thursday right?)
I will use our local phone directory to find out the number for Bethel, then ask them what the exact time is.
Damnit, why am I shivering so much?
Perhaps it is a big mistake?
But I think not. Just to see all those people, unchanged since I left them, still plowing through the same rut basically, and me having undergone a virtual 360 degree transformation since I left, will be epic.
When I left the BORG, I was a hopeless loner with nothing going for me.
3 years down the line, I can drive, I have a killer job earning more money than my parents, I look about 10X better thanks to the judicious application of skin cream/hair gel/gym/aftershave, I can actually think and remember properly, I dress better, and I am vastly more socially poised and articulate. All this in a miserable 3 years.
Good grief, what am I letting myself in for?
All I really want to do is show these people up, put the proverbial 'finger' in their faces, and show them that people can succeed once they leave the fold.
"...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
[SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.