You Know: I’m confused by your position regarding which being/entity/group-of-humans will be the prime instigator of a nuclear conflict. Your statements appear, on the surface, to be contradictory.
This is what is known as a paradox. Something can appear to be condradictory but nonetheless be true. > http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=paradox
The question is how can Jesus initiate the conflict and at the same time we can blame the Devil as the one pulling the trigger? Also, how is it that a genocidal rampage fulfills Jehovah's judgments?
First, how is it that Jesus initiates the concluding conflict if the Devil is going to be doing the killing? To understand how this is so we have to take a peek into the invisible realm, and we can do this by means of Jehovah's word. Take the 12th chapter of Revelation: At the point when Jesus is given the kingdom what occurs?
The Scriptures says that a war breaks out in heaven. And, that subsequent to that, the demons are hurled down to the earth where they go on a rampage. Which, by the way, I reserve in my mind the definite possibility that that foretold war in heaven has not taken place yet, or perhaps has taken place quite recently with the events of 9-11. At any rate, science recognizes the principle that for every action there is a reaction. So, while the demons are the ones that bring trouble upon the earth, they are merely reacting in a predictable way to the action that Christ initiates as the newly crowned king of the universe.
As the present rulers of this system of things the demons are quite content with the status quo. They really don't want to destroy their own world. After all, it is their world; their system of things. But, when faced with their own incarceration the demons are not simply going to walk off quietly into the abyss. No, and that's the problem the world is facing. The gods of this world are facing their own judgment. Jehovah, in fact, says in Jeremiah, I believe, something to the effect that 'the gods that did not create the heavens and the earth are the very ones who are going to perish from under his heavens and from off his earth.' So, the death of the little 'g' gods is a fairly big deal in terms of universal history. As a matter of fact, it has never occurred before. Jehovah has never executed spirit creatures before. That is a heavy, heavy, profound, reality with enormous implications.
The situation is similar to criminals who are cornered by the police and in desperation are forced to take hostages. The threat is that if the police make a move against them that the hostage gets whacked. In effect, the demons have taken the world hostage. They have seen to it in the last century that humans developed the technology to blow themselves to bits and ruin the entire planet. That's no small feat to accomplish taking civilization from the horse and buggy era to the nuclear age in less than 100 years. At any rate, the world is rigged to blow, and the implied threat from the Devil to Christ is: "You make a move on me and the world gets it!" So, Christ indeed is going to make his move to take Satan out, and the Devil is definitely going to pull the trigger, and the world, Jehovah's people included, is going to get caught in a hellacious crossfire. So, Christ initiates the action, but the Devil's reaction is actually what is going to bring the world to its knees.
It is then that Jehovah uses the wrath of the demonic element against the earthly system that the demons preside over. So, it can be said to be the judgment of Jehovah because the world has loved the Devil's rule and God allows them the full penalty for putting up with the demons.
As an aside: It should be noted that the 7-headed dragon in heaven represents the demonic principalities and exactly corresponds to the earthly 7-headed political apparatus. Which means that the Anglo-American 7th head is the primary institution that the demons are using to rule the world, along with numerous other political, religious, and financial institutions. But, we can say with certainty that the Anglo-American is the principal institution. That's why it is an extremely ominous development that the United States has revised it's first strike policy of nuclear war and has gone so far as to publicly announce its prospective hit list. Back during the Cold War such intimidation would have amounted to an outright declaration of war. So, it is without question a major development in the world that many thinking people are very uneasy with. And, seeing that the Anglo-American dual world power is the last empire, not counting the 8th king, what is taking place presently on the world scene could well be a reflection of what is taking place in the spirit realm as the nations posture and jostle and line up for all out nuclear war. In other words, the demons may be goading the nations into their final conflict because; unseen to human eyes, Christ and his army of angels may be maneuvering into position to on the offensive against the demons. We should know soon enough. / You Know