Thanks for the kind words of acknowledgment!
It is very clear that this poster has done very little research on how High control Groups affect persons
I was speaking from my own experience and from the heart. It that's not good enough JT, well, that's all I got!
while I agree that the fact i was constipated last year may have little to do with wt, the entire mindset of a sincere jw is influence in every waythis is why this post while funny and cute really highlights just how the wt has ingrained and programmed the avg jw to think and feel
You have no idea who I am, what my personal experiences in the Watchtower have been, how "ingrained" their teachings were, etc. You don't know what you're saying because you don't know me. Simple, but true.
but then again many who were adults were introduced to this poison at very low points in their life many timesloss of a love one, bad health struck them, money problem, living in a country where warefare has gone on day and night for the last 15yrs, no food, just poor living conditions , folks living in huts iwth dirt floors, etc. and with conditions in ones life such as these, along comes some clean cut person with a BOOK CALLED the bible that many folks have been taught to love and cherish all of thier lives, yet they understood little
and someone shows them God's name and a few other text and , then invite them to a place where folks don't care if you are poor, uneducated, and have nothing and then tell you that YOU ARE SPECIAl
the person is LOVED bOMBED everyone wants to come to your house for your bible study, you are told that you are making progress, something that you have never been told in your life, you are startng to feel like part of a big happy family, your husband stop gettig drunk and now you are doing the will of god as a family , is it hard at times o yes but in the end you are told it will be worth any thing
you make life choices based on the fact that god will hook you up, you are told the david said he never say a righteous one bdg for bread
you too want to be considered a righteuos one and all you have to do is warn folks of the end,
JT, you know I am sure, that your characterization is partial. I don't think you need to hear the other side, I think you already know. Sure the poor and disadvantaged are in greater danger of following a false religion; that's why the people of India don't eat cows!!
I certainly hope that IW never gets lost in SE DC and ask a clean cut person on the street for directions late one night, who decides that they just want to F#%K with someone this night and send her up a one way street and she runs into the "P Street Crew"i'm sure that some one who reads about her being ganged rape and left for half dead the next day in the paper while they are sipping the "Star Bucks" coffee will say;
"she knew the rules of getting lost in the HOOD"
just mey 2
I know SE DC. It ain't no worse than the Bronx me thinks! Please don't try pulling that inner city superiority with me it won't work!
Like I said, you don't know me!
See you around,