I just made myself hungry. Craving Cuban toast dipped in sweet cafe con leche right now. Mmmmmm.
She refused to Return His Calls After a First Date, Then in Rage, He Rants Out, Very Revealing
by Scott77 254 Replies latest social relationships
Up in the American Northwest, there are a lot of Mexican temporary workers picking the fruit. Hence, plenty of Mexican influence in the supermarket and restaurants.
I am stumped by your first photo. I`ll take a shot at the second. Biscotti, right. Italian in origin (question mark).
Are Whovos rancheros mexican, spanish, or cuban?
That's a Mexican dish. Darn good Bfast.
Ladies, you are missing the point. It is not about whether or not to raise the birth rate. It's about who gets to decide.
Aha, Cuban influence.
Thought so....dont try and calim the wests Mexicans in Florida....stick to your fried bannanas
" Ladies, you are missing the point. It is not about whether or not to raise the birth rate. It's about who gets to decide."
Yeah, I decided to get snipped after my fourth child. Hubby didn't get a say and knew better than to try. Nuff said.
Thought so....dont try and calim the wests Mexicans in Florida....stick to your fried bannanas
We have plenty of Mexicans around here, although not as many as before the recession. Lots went home because there was no longer any work.
And Mexico is a big place. They eat fried plantains in some parts of the country.
Regarding birthrate, d...uh. Me.
And if you BOTHERED with the link I provided, birth rate is directly related to the health and security of the people. Health and security goes up, birthrate goes down. Empirical, provable, repeatable, and stunningly convincing.
mrsjones5, in relation to your question on social egineering, specific to the Unites States of America:
United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations
"In 1954, the Reece Committee, chaired by Carroll B. Reece, produced its findings regarding the influence of tax-exempt foundations in the field of education.* The report also briefly mentions their influence in politics, propaganda, social sciences and international affairs. The Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation and others were discussed during the Committee hearings.
The Reece Committee was smeared by the media and by John D. Rockefeller the 3rd himself as being wholly inaccurate, but historical hindsight gives us a perspective that shows what the Committee found is far closer to the truth than Rockefeller would have you believe.
A predominant theme found in the Committee’s findings is the desire of the foundations and those behind them to create a system of world governance. The use of propaganda and social engineering was identified as a means to and end to achieve this goal. In 1932, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation, Max Mason, stated that “The social sciences… will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control…”
The Committee cited a report from the President’s Commission on Higher Education, published in 1947, which outlines the goals of social engineering programs; The realization on part of the people of the necessity of world government “…psychologically, socially and… politically”. The cited report states,
“In speed of transportation and communication and in economic interdependence, the nations of the globe are already one world; the task is to secure recognition and acceptance of this oneness in the thinking of the people, as that the concept of one world may be realized psychologically, socially and in good time politically.
It is this task in particular that challenges our scholars and teachers to lead the way toward a new way of thinking. There is an urgent need for a program for world citizenship that can be made a part of every person’s general education.
It will take social science and social engineering to solve the problems of human relations. Our people must learn to respect the need for special knowledge and technical training in this field as they have come to defer to the expert in physics, chemistry, medicine, and other sciences.” [emphasis added] (p. 483)"
If there is any doubt as to the Rockefeller family commitment to globalism and world government, take a look at the words of David Rockefeller on page 405 of his Memoirs,
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
NewChapter, this was the beginning of how Senator McCarthy was given a bad name, his involvement with Reece.