Huh? How does any of that explain why I decided to stop having kids at the age of 38? You've lost me.
She refused to Return His Calls After a First Date, Then in Rage, He Rants Out, Very Revealing
by Scott77 254 Replies latest social relationships
Sorry, Jones, but I can't hold your hand forever while you try to connect the dots. This will take a little more mental effort on your part. Perhaps start with the Rocekfeller Foundation's undying support of the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research despite Rocekfeller's knowledge of Kinsey's inaccurate/falsified data on human sexuality.
Nah, makes more sense to me that it's all paranoia bunk. I'll leave you to it, have fun with that all by your lonesome. I'd rather talk about food and listen to my kids.
Lets talk about food.
So, what is Cuban Toast?
Buttered Cuban bread toasted in a press.
Occam`s razor, Prognoser. The most reasonable explanation is there is no conspiracy. No hand-holding, no dot-connecting required.
So Betty Friedan was subsidized, then. I read her biography. She would be shocked to find this out. She fought the establishment through her long career.
Boy, that Norman Dodd was weird. Perhaps his report was squelched because it is nuts. The Platonic ideal society would include segregation of the sexes and procreation by lottery. I`d say the social transformation is retarded.
I wonder if I can find some of that here in California?
Gosh, that toast sounds good. I`m making Quinoa pancakes sweetened with apricot nectar in the morning.