King Solomon:
"Spirit-directed, AND uninspired"?
Isn't it obvious? It's still magic, but it's other magic.
by Recovery 207 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
King Solomon:
"Spirit-directed, AND uninspired"?
Isn't it obvious? It's still magic, but it's other magic.
"Therefore, everything, including the parable, could rightly be said to be a prophecy. So the claim that this is just a mere parable and not a prophecy is false and is clearly at odds with what the Bible tells us.
I swear this guy must be on the writing committee in New York. Notice how he says that because Jesus' words as written earlier in the chapter were prophetic.....then so must these words be. So I guess by that logic the entire 34th chapter of Psalms must be prophetic as well. (not just verses 19 and 20). Djeggnogg Jr, please tell us how and when verses 1-18 apply. Nice leap of logic
Furthermore.....eggnogg Jr said "everything, including the parable COULD rightly be said to be prophecy." Notice he didn't say "IS" prophecy. He goes on to say "the claim that this is just a mere parable and not prophecy is CLEARLY at odds with what the bible tells us". How can the assertion that it is merely a parable be CLEARLY at odds, when you yourself admit that it only COULD be a prophecy? You took that logic straight from the pages of the Watchtower, didn't you? Let's my first sentence....I will mention that point A could very well be true. There! That's a fine foundation! Now in sentence two......I will go ahead and use point A as though it is an established FACT.
Eggnogg Jr - please remember, we are not mind controlled witnesses. These tactics do not work with ones that are able to think critically
Will a believing JW please define the word "soon" for me? I asked some elders about that in 2007, and they didn't know either. Still, I'd love to know when Jehovah is going to kill me for being disrespectful.
The Slave does not need to interpret anything. Jesus personally gives the Faithful and Discreet Slave the information to publish. Does Jesus use email, fax, telephone, or smoke signals to reach New York? We're not sure. We may find out "soon" if we're lucky. (If anyone knows the exact issue of the WT magazine or book that the quote below is from, please provide the citation.)
If the anointed are not the FDS, who are?
First of all, what are the characteristics of a faithful and discreet slave? Such a person puts others first, washing their feet if need be, and giving them the first place at the dinner table. A discreet slave stays in the background. You would barely know they are there, other than your small needs are taken care of. A modern analogy would be a graduate from a first-rate butler college.
The parable offers all readers to take up the mantle of a faithful and discreet slave (uncapitalized). Not everyone will achieve this sort of humility. Certainly no-one who would presume to Capitalize it.
"We know the Trinity, hellfire, immortality of the soul, purgatory, worship of Mary, reverence of the cross, clergy/laity distinction/, many national holidays, involvement in politics and war, and other things to all be either unscriptural, purely human tradition, of pagan and thus satanic origin, and things that conflict with God's word."
No.....WE don't know that. YOU are using a bible that has been translated to suit your religion's already pre-conceived theology. Since when is reverence (not worship) of the cross a bad thing? Since your leaders told you so? If decorating with a cross is bad because it is too close to "idol worship" then why does our local kingdom hall have Watchtower symbols stamped into the concrete light pole bases? Where does the bible condemn Mother's Day? Is it because it can be traced back to cultures that once engaged in creature worship? If so why does the society permit the usage of pinatas? They have pagan roots as well.....but their March 2003 Awake tells us that we shouldn't focus on what pinata used to mean......we should focus on what they mean today. Since pinatas are no longer used in a ritualistic/pagan way.....they have been deemed suitable for "christians" to use. Why apply this type of reasoning to one celebration that has pagan origins but not others? Why the hypocrisy? Why allow a bride and groom to feed one another wedding cake (pagan sign of fertility) but refuse to allow them to throw a bouquet or throw rice? Where does the bible say that if you are involved in politics you will not enter into God's kingdom? And do you really want to talk about human tradition? Where is the biblical principle or admonition that says that men cannot be qualified to teach others if they have a beard? I would suggest removing the rafter from your eye
Jehovah will "soon" change things. It's just around the corner folks.
GB says:
"The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones."
Why not? Wouldn't you think the faithful and wise head slave would keep a list of names, or at least try to get a number if only to run a 'head count' of all the master's slaves placed in his charge, if only to keep track? methinks the slave is off drinking, too drunk on power to bother...
Of course, that would apply IF you accepted the silly 'parable as prophecy' concept.
"The question acknowledges that JW's have already done their 'proving' of the doctrine. The members of this board are quite familiar with JW's doctrine and thus there was no need for me to 'prove' from the outset the doctrine since it was already known. However, I just proved it again just for the sake of the argument. The burden of proof is on the opposers since they so forthcomingly claim it is false. JW's have proven their side, now the opposers must prove it wrong, since they are the ones claiming it is false. The only thing sad about this argumentation is that you are better debating about the 'burden of proof' instead of actually proving JW's to be in error when interpreting scripture. Thanks for the insults as it was quite expected since you have no scriptural refutation of anything JW's believe and can only resort to insults/petty definition arguments."
I believe this statement proves that you have a learning disability. Just because we are familiar with JW doctrine does not make said doctrine TRUE. YOU are the one claiming that the JWs are correct as to who the "faithful slave" is. Said "faithful slave" claims that identifying them and accepting their teachings is necessary to gain God's favor. IF that is true then I am pretty sure God would want you and every JW in the world to SHOW others how right you are......not smugly wait for them to tell you that you're wrong. Again....what is the point of your mandatory weekly door knocking if your goal is not to show others that you are right? The fact that you knock on people's doors in obligatory fashion shows that you agree that the burden of proof is on YOU. You have still done nothing to prove that you are correct. Cherry picking Ephesians 3:10, 2 Cor 5:20, 2 Thes 2:15 and others is not proof. You have taken unrelated scriptures and tied them together to fit your already arrived at conclusions. This is known as an eisigesis approach to bible interpretation. Hebrews 5:12-14 applies to the Watchtower Society. Beliefs and doctrines change on a whim when the GB says so. And 7 million people follow right along. The GB even tells the "flock" that it is hopeless to try to understand the bible without them. By doing this....they keep the "flock" in mental shackles. Continually attached to the teet of the society. Solid food does indeed belong to mature people. Through use of such solid food, they have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish right and wrong. JWs have this ability. They are completely dependent upon the society telling them what to believe and what not to believe. Their perceptive powers have been stunted......not trained....which keeps them perpetually in need of more milk from "mother".