Who Really is The Faithful and Discreet Slave?

by Recovery 207 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Recovery

    Answering all objections in this one post since I am on a posting limit:

    Jeffro said: Apparently my single brief statement about Jesus ("Aside from the fact that there's barely any evidence Jesus existed at all, and absolutely no evidence for anything attributed to him in the Bible") and my single brief statement about 'inspiration' ("There's no basis for the claim that the Bible is 'inspired', nor any clear definition of just what such 'inspiration' would constitute") is allegedly a 'rant'. And since there is no evidence that the Bible is 'inspired', why the hell would 'scriptural arguments' be needed in support??

    Yes it was a rant. Your answer to my question was that the Bible isn't inspired anyway, and a whole bunch of anti-Biblical rhetoric that wasn't called for since this is a scriptural debate.

    You clearly do not understand the concept of burden of proof. It is up to the person making a claim that something exists to prove that it does, not for others to disprove a negative. Aside from that, no actual definition for the supposed 'mechanism' for 'inspiration' has ever been offered, so there is no basis for any testable hypothesis. It's sad that this is the level of argumentation we're dealing with here. It is probably with good reason that you have a posting limit.

    The question acknowledges that JW's have already done their 'proving' of the doctrine. The members of this board are quite familiar with JW's doctrine and thus there was no need for me to 'prove' from the outset the doctrine since it was already known. However, I just proved it again just for the sake of the argument. The burden of proof is on the opposers since they so forthcomingly claim it is false. JW's have proven their side, now the opposers must prove it wrong, since they are the ones claiming it is false. The only thing sad about this argumentation is that you are better debating about the 'burden of proof' instead of actually proving JW's to be in error when interpreting scripture. Thanks for the insults as it was quite expected since you have no scriptural refutation of anything JW's believe and can only resort to insults/petty definition arguments.

    DATA-DOG said: Why ask for " evidence from those here and then say that you do not have the desire or time to read it? Please read what I have written below as well. Videos on youtube can be anywhere from one minute to many hours. It is much quicker to simply read an argument and discuss it, than to watch several hour long videos on Youtube and then discuss it. I simply do not have the time to do so, so if there was a specific argument presented in the video, type it up here and I'll discuss it. Secondly, I do not believe I am being disobedient to the FDS and even if I was that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

    Indian Larry said: Tell me why I should ignore Jesus's command at Luke 21:8. I am not telling you to ignore Jesus' command. I am telling to examine the subject in context. By this logic, if we were first century Christians we should not have listened to the apostles since they claimed to have authority from Christ himself. It is a relative command (to the context), not a definite one.

    Tell me why Mark 13:21-23 does not apply to the society. Same reason as posted above. The apostles gave spiritual instruction and told many to obey what they said because they were substituting for Christ. If we apply this line of logic, first century Christians should've ignored these statements:

    2 Corinthians 5:20 "We are therefore ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making entreaty through us."

    Ephesians 3:10 "[This was] to the end that now to the governments and the authorities in the heavenly places there might be made known through the congregation the greatly diversified wisdom of God, 11 according to the eternal purpose that he formed in connection with the Christ, Jesus our Lord.."

    1 Thessalonians 4:1 "Finally, brothers, we request YOU and exhort YOU by the Lord Jesus, just as YOU received [the instruction] from us on how YOU ought to walk and please God, just as YOU are in fact walking, that YOU would keep on doing it more fully. 2 For YOU know the orders we gave YOU through the Lord Jesus."

    You cannot apply such dogmatic logic, 'since they are saying Christ is among them they cannot be God's people' because this would mean the apostles were not inspired of God and were not directed by Jesus to give orders to the congregation. If you were in the first century, the congregation is where the backing of Christ and his father would be at, and so thus they would be saying: 'Here is the Christ!' (in the congregation).

    Explain to me why Deuteronomy 18:20-23 does not apply to who you call the "faithful slave" By this reasoning Nathan was also a false prophet when he told David God would be with him in building the temple. But that didn't come true. He later retracted this statement. OOPS! Nathan promised David, he had God's backing in doing something, and it turned out that didn't David didn't build the temple. I guess Nathan was a false prophet as well. However, the WTS is not a false prophet simply because it is not a role it has ever taken on. Whenever its given an explanation for an expectation, it's always provide a warning beforehand that their word is not infallible and should not be taken as the words of God himself

    1870s: We do not object to changing our opinions on any subject, or discarding former applications of prophecy, or any other scripture, when we see a good reason for the change,in fact, it is important that we should be willing to unlearn errors and mere traditions, as to learn truth.... It is our duty to "prove all things."by the unerring Word,"and hold fast to that which is good."

    1880s: “We have not the gift of prophecy. "

    We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. Zion's Watch Tower, 1908

    1890s: Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible, or on a par with the holy Scriptures.The most we claim or have ever claimed for our teachings is that they are what we believe to be harmonious interpretations of the divine Word,in harmony with the spirit of the truth. And we still urge, as in the past, that each reader study the subjects we present in the light of the Scriptures, proving all things by the Scriptures, accepting what they see to be thus approved, and rejecting all else.

    1900s: It is not our intention to enter upon the role of prophet to any degree, but merely to give below what seems to us rather likely to be the trend of eventsgiving also the reasons for our expectations.

    1920s: However, since the days of the apostles no man on earth has been inspired to write prophecy, nor has any man been inspired to interpret prophecy.

    1930s: We are not a prophet; we merely believe that we have come to the place where the Gentile times have ended

    1940s: This pouring out of God's spirit upon the flesh of all his faithful anointed witnesses does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's Witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine The Watchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes.It does not mean that the president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is inspired and infallible, although enemies falsely charge us with believing so.... But we confess with the Scriptures that the day of such inspiration passed long before 1870, as the apostle Paul showed it would. . . . Inspired speaking and writing passed away with the last of the twelve apostles.

    1950s: The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic. It invites careful and critical examination of its contents in the light of the Scriptures.

    1960s: The book [Life Everlasting in Freedom of Sons of God]merely presents the chronology. You can accept it or reject it

    Our chronology, however, ... is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible)

    Don't any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975 F. W. Franz, quoted in The Watchtower, 15 October 1966, page 231.

    1970s: In this regard, however, it must be observed that this “faithful and discreet slave” was never inspired, never perfect. Those writings by certain members of the “slave” class that came to form the Christian part of God s Word were inspired and infallible, but that is not true of other writings since. Things published were not perfect in the days of Charles Taze Russell, first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society; nor were they perfect in the days of J. F. Rutherford, the succeeding president.

    1980s:It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Genesis 40:8)

    1990s: Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God s thinking and will. As an organization and individually, they must accept the Bible as divine truth, study it carefully, and let it work in them.

    2000s: Although the slave class is defined as “faithful and discreet,” Jesus did not say that it would be infallible. This group of faithful anointed brothers still consists of imperfect Christians. Even with the best of intentions, they can be mistaken, as such men sometimes were in the first century.

    I think this proves quite clearly that the WTS has never taken on the role of a prophet and never required that its readers view them as such. Your statements about the nations not beating themselves in lamentations yet can be simply answered with the definition of parousia. Matthew 24:37 "For just as the days of Noah were, so the PAROUSIA of the Son of man will be." Genesis 6:2 tells the days of Noah were 120 years. Christ's presence is not just him coming and avenging his people, but it is quite an extended period time, most of which people take no note that he is already present.

    I'll answer your other questions when I'm allowed to write more posts. Same sentiments regarding the posts of King Solomon and outsmartthesystem and sebastious

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Recovery - you said: Matthew 7:22,23 "22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.

    That is very true. Who is a worker of lawlessness. Perhaps an organization that has put into place directives that help facilitate child abuse, or could it be an organization that hyprocritically joins the UN, or is it the organization that secretly dumped loads of used ink illegally polluting the earth. My personal vote is for the organization that claims to speak for Jehovah but has continually been wrong for over 100 years. Who has brought more reproach on Jehovah's name than the Watchtower? They did a worldwide advertising campaign claiming in Jehovah's name that millions then living would never die. Ooops. I guess that brought a little ridicule to Jehovah's name now didn't it?

    Anyway, I notice that you did not answer the simple scriptural questions I posed. Do you think you can do that? In case you forgot here they are, I will number them and you can answer by number:

    1. Tell me why I should ignore Jesus's command at Luke 21:8

    2. Tell me why Mark 13:21-23 does not apply to the society

    3. Explain to me why Deuteronomy 18:20-23 does not apply to who you call the "faithful slave"

    4. Explain to me why the FDS directly claims Jehovah lied in Jeremiah 25:12

    5. When is the 144,000 sealed? See Revelation 7

    Maybe you are honest hearted if so I hope you can see the truth in the scriptures above. If you are not and just want to knowingly push a lie then bring it on. Prove to me I am wrong. I am open minded, if you can answer any of the questions above I will be willing to look at your answer with an open mind. The thing is though, you can't. You know it, I know it, and everyone on this board knows it.

    Your response should be direct clear answers to the five questions above. If you can.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    My mistake. I was just re-reading your post and I see you did respond to some of my questions. Let me read a couple of min. and I will post again.


  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • Recovery

    King Solomon said: Sooooo, using your own logic: if some other church claims to be the Faithful and Wise Servant, using the same scriptural proof as WTBTS does, then we MUST accept that, and prove them wrong?

    I could claim to be King of Mars, and you'd be forced to accept it until it is positively disproven?

    This is not my line of reasoning at all. Notice my original question: Let's assume, as most of your probably have, that the anointed Christians are not the FDS. If the anointed are not the FDS, who are? My question does not require that anyone accept what JW's teach about the FDS. The only thing my question is requiring is that it be shown that the FDS interpretation is wrong. It is like this: Someone says to me: You are not straight! (JW's are not the FDS) You are gay (JW's are not the FDS). I say: Okay, that might be true, but since you're saying that I am definitely not straight, prove it.(prove that JW's are wrong, you don't have to assume they are right, just prove them wrong) You don't have to believe that i'm straight to prove that I'm not. (You don't have to accept JW's FDS teaching to prove them wrong) Then the person responds: No, your logic is all messed up! YOU need to prove that you are straight. (No, the burden of proof is on you). I don't believe you are straight (JW's are not the FDS) but it is not my responsibility to prove that you are not straight (but the burden of proof is on you), it is yours to prove that YOU ARE straight!

    It is the opposers who have the ridiculous and absurd reasoning as shown here. My question did not require that anyone accept that JW's teach until it is proven wrong. It only required that the JW's be proven wrong. What a sly inference to thwart and belittle my reasoning ability when that was never a requirement of the question.

    Whathappened admitted he doesn't worry about the subject and thus had no scriptural refutation of my points.

    DATA-DOG asked a bunch of irrelevant, unrelated questions which I will now painstakingly answer. This question fails to take into account that a slave can be faithful and discreet, and then cease to behave in that manner. No it doesn't. The question simply requires that someone else, a different group of people, individual, or animal be shown to the faithful and discreet slave. Whether the faithful slave remains faithful is irrelevant to the question that I asked. What is the scriptural hope of all who died BEFORE Christ? Resurrection to a paradise earth under the Messianic Kingdom ruled by Christ and his 144,000 co-rulers. What is the Christian hope? Your hope is dependent on Jehovah. One hope is to reign as a king/priest in heaven over the earth, the other is to live forever and inherit the earth. did the heavenly hope ever end, if so by who's authority and when? No it did not. Do you personally feel that you will gain everlasting life? If so, why? Yes, because of my obedience and faithfulness to the instructions found in God's word for many years regarding how I should live my life. I do not believe I am guaranteed salvation, as I could stumble at any time.

    outsmartthesystem your questions were answered in my previous posts. Look closely.

    sebastious said: I did give you a scriptural reference of which you ignored and dismissed. You acted like I didn't give it and then asked the same question again. You don't give satisfactory reasoning as to why the particular reference is invalid, you just say so. The people who are reading this thread should consider Recovery as a quintessential example of confirmation bias. Now, the brain does work by association so it's constantly confirming data that is coming in with known data, so there is healthy range to confirmation bias as we need it to sort the data taken in by our senses. A lot of people get wrongly accused on this forum of acting out confirmation bias, but we need only take a look at Recovery here to see the real deal. The poster child so to speak. I showed you failed to post a single scripture (which is obvious from your first page of response) and you merely flouted your own interpretation about why the interpretation is wrong. I asked for scriptures and you failed to provide them. You then referred me to videos, instead of presenting scriptural arguments. If my eyes are playing tricks on me, please post your scripture and I can discuss it in detail when I am able to post again.

    Recovery is implying that we have in our possession the actual words of Jesus. As if we have an ancient tape recorder or something. This is not even close to true, but nonetheless he slams it on the table and demands that everyone just assume it's true because he does. When there is nothing but evidence that all of Jesus words were preserved through unreliable oral tradition that was translated into a foreign language. The end product of the Gospels are just copies of copies, but when Recovery refers to "Jesus' words" he acts like he has them on hand.

    Well I firmly believe the Gospels to be the actual words of Christ Jesus. I believe the entire Bible is inspired by God and completely accurate historically, scientifically, and prophetically. That is why I asked opposers to prove JW's scripturally wrong, since it is already assumed that the Bible is the infallible word of God that bears the exact words of Christ Jesus. You are refuting something that has nothing to do with the argument. If you want to refute the Bible, this isn't the thread. We can discuss that later. The question requires that the opposing viewpoint use scriptures to prove their argument, thus it is already assumed the Bible contains Jesus' actual words.

    Here is another assertion that the Bible is the "inspired Word of God" which is just an assumption he tries to slam down all our throats. These foundational peices are unverified, but are nonetheless required for Recovery's theology to make any sense whatsoever. He has to make sure he's the "home team" or else he has no chance of winning even under his own definitions and requirements.

    Let me make this clear: When I asked for scriptures refuting JW's point, I thought it was seemingly obvious that the Bible would be regarded as the infallible guide which would show us what we should believe and what we should not. I'm sorry if it is too difficult for you to put those pieces together. If this is a scriptural discussion, why would even consider the notion that the Bible isn't God's word? If that's what was assumed when the question was asked: why are we even debating it in the first place?

    So now Recovery has shown his true intentions. He did not make this thread to get any questions answered, he wanted to show to the lurkers, that he knows exists here, that we are wrong by any means necessary. He essentially rigs the entire conversation by putting the burden of proof on this forum rather than where it logically should fall which is on the alleged Watchtower FDS and HIM.

    Yes, you correctly bolded my true intentions. My true intentions are to find a more scripturally sound argument/refutation of what JW's believe. I did not even start the thread proving anyone wrong, I just want them to prove JW's wrong. The burden of proof is not on the WTS and ME to start with since all the participants in this board are well familiar with the proof the WTS uses. They object to that proof, now I'm asking them to show me why.

    I then gave my answer to his question in his OP which was swiftly rejected as invalid. All of this is a set up for Recovery to be able to say thing like this:

    I am simply calling a spade a spade. You did not use any scriptures to back up your argument. All you did was give your own private interpretation (which I later proved to be impossible, which you never responded to), so you brought this upon yourself. If you can't argue without your own private interpretations of the Bible, referencing Youtube videos, and logical fallacies that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, that is not my fault. I'm sorry this was too complicated for you.

    A lot of people have given you their time, Recovery, why not offer the same in return? Once again you are using your own bias to generalize and come to firm conclusions. What this all amounts to is that you are nothing but a JW troll who had a moment of braveness to go "expose" apostates on the internet. But what actually happened is the opposite of what you set out to do. You have given the JW's a bad witness as the vast majority of them do. All you did was confirm your own bias while many here have confirmed actual truths about how JW's interact with ex members: shamefully. I thank you for your time.

    I have given the members of this board quite a considerable amount of my time as my quite lengthy posts show since I have to respond to 15 or 20 people every time I log back on. That is far more than you did for me. I do not have the time to watch private interpretations of the Bible on Youtube, by an apostate, a JW, a Baptist, a Muslim, or anyone. I am not biased I am just honest when I tell you I don't see the appeal of it when it takes so much of my already limited time.

    Again, sebastious wants me to watch a video for his 'proof'. Why can't he type out his arguments like the rest of us? Is it because he knows he doesn't really have an argument and just wants to keep engaging in the discussion so he feels like he's winning?

    Indian Larry said: Explain to me why the FDS directly claims Jehovah lied in Jeremiah 25:12 - I have never read an article where it was stated that Jehovah lied about a scripture.

    When is the 144,000 sealed? See Revelation 7 - Well there are two sealings. The first sealing is when they are baptized and anointed with holy spirit. (see Ephesians 1:13) The second sealing is after they have demonstrated their faithfulness and proven their integrity. This sealing happens before the "four winds of destruction" are let go.

    Indian Larry said: You can not compare the “slave” to the apostles. The apostles had evidence of holy spirit. They could heal, raise people from the dead etc. That is evidence. Why can't I? They are all men, saying 'Here...this is where the Christ is' (with us). Also as I demonstrated earlier with my references to Matthew 7:22, 23, powerful signs (such as healing and raising people from the dead) and prophesying and expelling demons would not be evidence that those were his true followers. You use Luke 21:8 to prove the FDS doctrine to be wrong, but if we take it that literally it would also prove the authority of the apostles to have been wrong in the first century. Which is it, Indian Larry? Are we to take the scripture dogmatically literal or are we going to use our logic and reason to that it's understood in context?

    Battling quotes leads to nowhere though. The WTBTS claims to be God’s only “spirit directed” organization. How can you be spirit directed and not inspired. They want to have it both ways.

    1 Samuel 16:3 shows us that there is a difference between being led by holy spirit and being inspired. "And the spirit of Jehovah began to be operative upon David from that day forward..." Didn't David make an illegal census that resulted in the death of thousands of Israelites? Didn't David commit adultery and have Bathsheba's husband unjustly murdered? Didn't he almost kill another man until Abigail brought him to his senses? See spirit direction is perfect, but it does not always have to be followed. Spirit inspiration is also perfect, but when something is written under inspiration it is "God breathed" and thus perfect and infallible. Spirit direction is not that way.

    As far as Nathan, as I said earlier I am open minded and I will read those passages in the bible tonight with an open mind and see if there is indeed a parallel.


    As far as Mark 13:31, did not CT Russel and JF Rutherford both say that Jesus was present in 1874? Yes they did. How does Jesus say to respond to teachings like that which are not true? He says “do not believe it”. You know what? That is good enough for me. Are you saying that we should do other than what Jesus clearly says to do?

    I think Jesus knows that his followers are imperfect and were trying to honestly understand the implications of the deeper things of God's word. I do not think Jesus would be angry/upset with Rutherford for saying he was present before he was, when it was an honest error from chronology they honestly thought to scripturally be true. Mark 13:21 is not talking about honest hearted people searching for Bible truths. It is talking about people who deliberately will try to deceive Jesus' chosen ones. So no, Jesus' words would not apply to Rutherford and Russell, although they were wrong.

    DATA-DOG said: Also do you believe that John 8:31 is true? Yes. Do believe that the GB has never went beyond what is written, or have they violated John 8:31? Of course they have. But let me ask you this: Didn't the apostles go beyond Jesus' words? Have they violated John 8:31?

    If you were on an Island in the middle of the Pacific, and a crate containing books washed ashore, one of them being a Bible, could YOU gain salvation by reading just God's word even though you may never have seen a Bible? Is 1 Timothy 3:16 really true? Or would Jehovah need to send you a crate each month containing the latest issue of the Watchtower and Awake magazines in order for you to gain life?

    No I could not gain salvation by just reading the Bible on my own. Why? Ephesians 3:10 "there might be made known through the congregation the greatly diversified wisdom of God, 11 according to the eternal purpose that he formed in connection with the Christ, Jesus our Lord." So you see I could read the Bible over and over again on my own, but if I did not gain the wisdom from God to understand what I'm reading from the congregation, I could not gain salvation since I would not know how to apply what I read.

    He needs to stop reading the WT and Awake and stop using the CD-Rom for a couple of months, and then only read the Bible. I've read the Bible on my own numerous times when I was in college, much time before I became a JW. Of course the opposers don't want me to read the WT or Awake magazines. But I'm not going to disobey God's arrangement for feeding his people. I trust that he knows what's best for me, better than any human. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep it mind as I enjoy myself during the meeting tonight.

    Also to leavingwt and his various quotes showing where the WT has claimed to be a prophet, a prophet can simply be someone who proclaims a warning message (as the context clearly showed). Surely doesnt debunk the claims that the WT has repeatedly stated in every decade since its first printing that it is not an inspired prophet with infallible writings. Just mere apostate rhetoric trying to corrupt the mind. Yawn.

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