Well that's what we have the entire inspired Bible for. Just because something is not explained directly and completely in the context of the original statement, it does not imply that an explanation not contained in the original statement is false. That's a weak and misleading argument especially when we consider that there are many situations in the Bible where the original context did not explicitly explain the meaning/application of a statement/prophecy.
The verses in question are a parable and are designed to be interpreted for the purposes of epiphany. The Watchtower interprets the parable wrongly by applying it to a single group of men. It's the Watchtower that ignores the "entire inspired Bible" when interpreting the parable. They simply use it to create and enforce power. When they were called out to Victoria Australia for not complying with the "Working With Children Act" they sent a represenative that informed the Victorian court that the Faithful and Discreet slave were not a legal entity and essentially not real. This is because even THEY know that their interpretation of the parable is bunk and a means to control their populace.
If the faithful slave is describing a group of faithful people why is there a distinction between the faithful slave and the domestics? If there are basically two fundamental classes, why does the parable carry the differentiation between the responsibility of the faithful slave over the domestics? Why is the slave appointed over the belongings and not the domestics? How could all of Jesus' faithful ones be appointed over all his belongings from the time there were first faithful slaves until his arrival (which as you affirm is more than 2,000 years later)?
Think of a cafeteria, there are servants and then there are guests. The "faithful slaves" are people who have taken it upon themselves to lead and teach in due season. They are not appointed, they are just slaves taken from the domestics who are given food to serve to the people. No single group of people or single man (Charles Taze Russell for instance) can be possitively identified as fulfilment of this parable.
Since the faithful slave represents all faithful followers of Christ, these two class would exist from the time of Jesus' arrival in the first century, not just during his coming. Verse 48 proves this when it says: "But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying'.." So the 'evil slaves' would exist BEFORE the Master returned.
This makes sense to me, but like I said there is no identifying the faithful slaves, that's why the question is left open ended. Only when the master returns is the faithful slave successfully identified and rewarded. However the given criteria can still be used to ascertain the likely role that preachers of the Gospel would fill if the master returned.
This is exactly my point. How could the faithful slave represent all faithful followers of Christ and at the same time have the responsibility to feed the children of God at the proper time? Is every so-called Christian feeding the children of God? Your own interpretation debunks itself.
Well, let me rephrase. The pool that the slaves are taken out of is the entire human population. They are taken FROM the domestics which signify everybody who didn't choose to take a leadership position in regards to the Gospel. The faithful slaves see a need and fill it, but they are not identified by any particular group or sect.
The rest of your statement is just rhetoric and opinion. I can't help but notice you pushed your viewpoints and your interpretation, instead of what the Bible tells us. Isn't it interesting JW's can prove who the faithful slave is from the scriptures yet the opposers can only offer up what they think the interpretation is without using a single scripture?
I didn't push anything, I answered the question you posed. The JW's cannot prove that the faithful and discreet slave is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and like I said there is written proof that they believe it's all a bunch of crap. They are not interested in Bible truth they are interested in money and power.