Who Really is The Faithful and Discreet Slave?

by Recovery 207 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    @ Moshe,

    Your picture was hilarious! Where can I read thos transcripts from the Steve Unthank case? Those two YOUTUBE videos were new to me and blew my mind. I HAVE to read that info with me own eyes even though I believe it.

  • Recovery

    I am on a posting limit so I will try to address everything in this one post

    Moshe did nothing but post random/cute pictures which we'll thank him for. It was an nice 20 seconds of laughter at their ridiculousness. Still no scriptural argument given.

    mrsjones5 didn't provide a scriptural argument to provide the interpretation wrong but just said it was a parable/myth that had a different meaning but still no scriptural argument given.

    transhuman68 stated the problem with the faithful and discreet slave doctrine is that you have to accept the FDS's interpretation of the parables/illustrations in the gospels in literal/figurative ways. Still no scriptural argument given.

    144001, like his buddy mosche, posted another cute picture for us. Thanks! Still no scriptural argument given.

    JWGoneBad wrote 10 "responses", none of which scripturally argued against the JW FDS doctrine. It was simply rhetoric, distorted facts, and of course his/her opinions. He later admits that he doesn't know who the FDS is, yet he's for sure it isn't the WTS. Thanks for the apostate rhetoric and opinion, but save it. We could all throw around our opinion about this religion or that religion. All I asked for were scriptural arguments. JWGoneBad failed to provide one just as all his other apostate buddies did.

    King Solomon stated: A parable is NOT a prophecy, and is NOT literal. It is ALWAYS a type of ANALOGY. NOT a prophecy. The JWs as well (as many others) have been turning parables into prophecies with as much ease as Jesus turned water into wine.... That fact doesn't excuse the practice.

    There are many parables/illustrations that turned out to be prophetic signs/portents, thus foreshadowing literal, actual events. Your quoted definition proves my point: "a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.." Look at Ezekiel 23. It tells a story about the history of Oholibah and Oholah. How these beautiful young women were raised and adorned with fine gold but later became prostitutes. In the story Jehovah says he will rouse passionate lovers against Oholibah. Because this is a parable (according to your definition: a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson i.e. the downfall of Jerusalem for her spiritual adultery), this means Jehovah isn't rousing passionate lovers like the Chaldeans against Oholibah, right? Wrong. You are taking a general rule you believe to be so, and applying it to every parable in the Bible which does not fit since some parables contain prophecies, and thus your argument against the FDS doctrine has no real merit whatsoever. Still no scriptural argument given.

    CaptainObvious went on a rant about Rutherford and Russell and more rhetoric, but didn't use any scriptures to prove JW's wrong.

    Aware! simply pointed out that there is no point in arguing about it, and didn't use any scriptures to prove JW's wrong but instead pointed to a website. Fernando wants to know who I believe the anointed are from my research of the scriptures, and that's fine, I will start a thread on that later but he still didn't use any scriptures to prove JW's wrong. AussieOz provided a simple explanation of why he believes the FDS aren't found among JW's but didn't use any scriptures to prove JW's wrong. DATA-DOG posted some interesting points and maybe one or two scriptures, which I will address when I am able to make another post (since I am restricted to one for the day) moshe continues to post cute little pictures of old ladies for us, thanks for the laugh! Gotta love moshe. Sadly no scriptural arguments given after at least 5 posts in this thread Jeffro went on a rant about there's barely evidence that Jesus ever existed and that the Bible isn't God's inspired word, but sadly no scriptural arguments given. Jeffro, you can start a new thread proving your claims against the Bible's inspiration and I will engage in a discussion once my posting is no longer restricted. stillstuckcruz referred to Ray Franz's explanation of why the FDS doctrine is wrong. Sadly, no scriptural arguments given. But for the record, yes I have read portions of the book years ago and that particular section, but trust me it didn't weaken my faith one bit. sir82 asked: Please explain why this particular parablemust be a prophecy that applies to the 20th / 21st century? The Bible shows us this had a literal fulfillment in the first century. Since the FDS would have to be providing spiritual food when the Master returned then this must be fulfilled in our present day. We know that Jesus parousia started in 1914 so it would be necessary for it to be happening right now in the 20th/21st century.

    leavingwt asked: Recovery: Welcome! Have you read either of Ray Franz's books? I've read bits and pieces of In Search of Christian Freedom and the part about the Mexico Military issue in the Crisis of Conscience. Why do you ask?

    DATA-DOG continued on his opinionated rant, which I do not have the time nor the desire to address since there were no scriptural arguments given.

    Ding just went on a rant about the WT's rant and why Jesus' parable couldn't possibly apply to them but still no scriptural arguments.

    Moshe posted another adorable pictures for us

    The rest of the responses were simply rhetoric of what was already stated and more opinions and miscellaneous quotes from the WT to support those again.

    In all, over 2 pages of responses and they all have a common denominator: NO SCRIPTURAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST JW'S DOCTRINE OF THE FDS WERE GIVEN.

  • mrsjones5

    None are so blind as those who refuse to see. It's not my job to make you see or provide you with anything. If you wish to believe that the wt/bOrg have the truth and the fds spray are real, fine. I, my darling, don't really give a damn.


    Why don't YOU use a scripture to disprove what I have said, namely, " The faithful and discreet slave can be any INDIVIDUAL that follows Christ and teaches the TRUTH of God's word.". Logically anyone through history could be considered as a faithful and discreet slave. Since the scriptures never indicate that the heavenly calling ended, and since all of Christ followers are annointed and born again with spirit, logically annointed individuals who claim a heavenly calling would be a FDS, unless they do not remain faithful or discreet. You are making things much too complicated.

    There is no " once slaved, always slaved " teaching in God's word. You can lose that position due to human error or weakness. You can also regain it unless you sin against the Holy Spirit. You know all this already. Ask yourself what you are afraid of.

  • LostGeneration

    Many were far too kind to you on this thread, Recovery.

    Undoubtedly you are a JW apologist/troll, but at least you invest a little time in your posts, more than the typical troll around here.

    If you want to believe the JW doctrine of the FDS, go ahead. Eat that rotten spiritual food until the day of your death, its your choice and we can't make you stop.

    But don't come around here trying to convice us to EAT SHIT, because 99.99% of us have already had our fill, and we aren't going to do it anymore, no matter how many sets of mental gymnastics you present.

  • Fernando

    Thank you, Recovery, I look forward to reading about what you find on "the anointed".

    Possibly in the mean time I can try to respond below to your request for a scripture or two that proves the FDS are not who the Watchtower says they are.

    In the end though you may find that you are best served by doing your own in-depth, prayerful, honest and in-depth research rather than relying on the words of ANY humans (the present company included).

    (Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

    (Psalm 60:11) . . .As salvation by earthling man is worthless.

  • Fernando


    *** w85 6/15 p. 10 par. 11 Digging Deeper Into God’s Word ***
    The abundance of appetizing spiritual food served regularly and “at the proper time” by “the faithful and discreet slave” should move all of us to show our appreciation by taking full advantage of the good things provided. (Matthew 24:45)


    More than half the Bibles roughly 152 references to the "good news" are by Paul.


    What sort of spiritual food keeps people ignorant of the "good news" according to Paul?

    Proof of ignorance:

    Ask any "publisher of the good news" to explain the "good news" according to Paul from the heart.

    Answer and scriptures:

    (2 Corinthians 4:4) . . .among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

    *** it-1 p. 558 Curse ***
    Thus Paul wrote to the Galatians (1:8) that they should consider as “accursed” anyone (even angels) who declared to them as good news something contrary to that which they had received.

    (1 Corinthians 16:22) If anyone has no affection for the [good news about the] Lord [Jesus Christ], let him be accursed. O our Lord, come!

    (Galatians 5:12) I wish the men who are trying to overturn YOU [away from the good news] would even get themselves emasculated.

    (Galatians 1:6-7) . . .I marvel that YOU are being so quickly removed from the One who called YOU with Christ’s undeserved kindness over to another sort of good news. 7 But it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing YOU trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ.

    (2 Corinthians 11:4) . . .For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or YOU receive a spirit other than what YOU received, or good news other than what YOU accepted, YOU easily put up [with him].

    (Philippians 2:21) For all the others are seeking their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus.

    (2 John 10) If anyone comes to YOU and does not bring this teaching [namely the good news ABOUT Jesus' death and the legal implications thereof], never receive him into YOUR homes or say a greeting to him.

    (Galatians 3:1) . . .O senseless Ga·la′tians, who is it that brought YOU under [the] evil influence [of "legalism"], YOU before whose eyes Jesus Christ was openly portrayed impaled [meaning they actually SAW the good news being played out in front of their eyes, yet were allowing religious leaders to seduce them into rejecting IMPUTED righteousness, in favour of works-righteousness or self-righteousness or earned-righteousness, via "legalism" or "rule keeping"]?

  • sabastious
    Those two YOUTUBE videos were new to me and blew my mind. I HAVE to read that info with me own eyes even though I believe it.

    I know what you mean. The whole Steven Unthank thing blew my mind when it was happening. It's like a bad dream.




    @ Recovery,

    Due to the diverse views on this site ( no offense anyone ), you may want to contact some people from 21st-century christians.org ( Brother Ed ), or Jwstruggle, or anointedjw.org wich deals almost exclusively with the sonship of Christ's followers. Also, if I have not said so before, anyone who is truly anointed and a follower of Christ would logically be a faithful and discreet slave of Christ. So it would be scripturally correct to say that FAITHFUL anointed Christians are individual faithful and discreet slaves. To be disqualified you simply have to stop meeting the criteria, whether or not it is intentional and comes from a wicked heart, only God and Christ can say.

  • sabastious
    The rest of the responses were simply rhetoric of what was already stated and more opinions and miscellaneous quotes from the WT to support those again.

    Why did you ignore the videos? In the second video a scriptual reference is given as to why the FDS cannot be the Watchtower. Can you tell me what it is so I know you watched the video?


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