Just because the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society tells us it's a prophecy about them doesn't mean it's true.
It was Jesus' way of stressing the importance of ALL Christians being faithful to God rather than being wicked servants who lord it over others.
It's not a prophecy about any particular person, group, or organization.
The New Testament centers on Jesus Christ peronally, not on latter-day organizations that claim to represent him.
It's not a prophecy at all; it's an exhortation to faithfulness and wisdom on the part of all Christians.
In particular, it's not a prophecy that Jesus would return invisibly in 1874 (Russell) or 1914 (Rutherford) and in 1918 invisibly appoint a small group of men in New York, USA, to rule his kingdom on earth. They no longer believe or teach 95% of the things they taught when he supposedly inspected them in 1918 and supposedly pronounced them faithful and wise.
That's pure WT spin and supposition that the GB uses to control the lives of Jehovah's Witnesses. The fact that millions of people buy into their claim doesn't make it true. The fact that the GB themselves believe their own claim doesn't make it true.
It certainly isn't a prophecy that Jesus would watch silently for over a century while "faithful and wise" leaders he invisibly appointed announced multiple incorrect dates for Armageddon, frequently changed major teachings (calling it "new light") -- lists with citations can be obtained at jwfacts -- and micromanaged millions of people's lives in a legalistic manner completely contrary to the teachings in the epistle to the Galatians...
None of that is authorized by Jesus' statement contrasting faithful servants with unfaithful servants.
In fact, it's just the opposite because none of that could in any way properly be considered faithful or discreet (wise).