I don't think JWs themselves have actually claimed to be the fastest growing religion in a long time - since the 1950s or so.
Have they?
by davidl7 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I don't think JWs themselves have actually claimed to be the fastest growing religion in a long time - since the 1950s or so.
Have they?
Religious leaders play the propaganda game to draw attention to their select religions, the WTS/JWS is very much into that.
They'll say we are the only chosen organization selected by god and give a big line of lies and corruption devised to lure people toward them
they'll also say just about anything to shine an evil light on anything other than themselves.
They used to say that Slim when it was perhaps true back in the 50's and 60's
I don't really know Slim, all I know is
they do claim they have the backin' of the holy spirit
that claim alone should put them in the runnin' wit the others that claim
the same thing when they see a growth spurt
Then again, lookin' at the baptism reports
it would do the WTS good not to make that claim
I think Mormons are far and away the most wealthy in the organization to membership ratio.
Sorry Glander its the Catholics they pull in a over billion dollars a year through tithing and donations world wide.
2009 Top 11 Christian Denominations in US
The Muslim population by comparison, is 2,595,000. By proportion they would come in just below Assemblies of God.
Lies, corruption, power and money isn't that what religion is all about anyways ?
Catholic (US) Diocese, income for 2011 129,978,314 - just under $2 a head.
oops, I am going to change my strategy. The LDS does not report its income in the US (because it doesn't have to). I'll compare Canada instead.
LDS Canada, 2011, 182,415 members. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints_in_Canada
Awww, heck. Every ward and branch of the LDS reports separately. 498 matches!
Sorry Glander its the Catholics they pull in a over billion dollars a year through tithing and donations world wide.
You are probably correct, Fink. But there are about a billion Catlicks and only 6 million Morminks - ?
I suppose when you throw in assets, property, etc. the Cats are probably the richest.