I would be interested in the source data and how membership is discerned. Since I do not trust the base data JWs use when they publish membership numbers whether it has gone up or down is pretty irrelevant. I imagine other fundamentalist churches massage their data but unless everything is calculated the same comparisons are useless.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Fastest Growing Christian Group in the US
by davidl7 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It would be interesting to dig through the latest US Census info and compare it with PEW. It should be online by now. I would think the Mormans should do well recruiting this year with Mitt in the running. At an old job a number of co-workers belonged to more than one church and would rotate attendance to obtain clients. Benjamin Franklin was famous for joining multiple churches and secret societies. Not everyone is a TRUE believer.
Unfortunately the US census does not ask a question on religion as far as I can gather, something to do with "separation of church and state" or something.
I think it's very likely the Mormons could get a substantial bounce from having a Mormon president.