The shared delusion of the Governing Body is causing mental illness problems for the rank and file:
Psychoanalyzing the Governing Body as a Collective Body by what they cause to be written in literature and private letters:
by frankiespeakin 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wonder what it would be like if we could contact the teachers that taught the different Governing Body members when they were in the early primarry grades? I know we'd probably need a time machine, Ok let's just call this a thought experiment:
What would they tell us about the personalities displayed durring those early years before adopting the delusion? What made them subceptable to certain delusions they now carry as part of thier belief system? What driving forces motivate them, I'm thinking that thier consciousness is so weakened by this delusion they are moving merely by instinct with very little conciousness cause by a fear to turn inward with any honesty,, and that thier perception of the outside world is very dull and hazy,, filled with ghosts and demons and Jehovah's drawn sword over thier enemies.
In essence they don't know what's out thier, and they don't know what they are doing. Expect more shadow boxing from these guys as they depart from what is real and become more delusional.
How are these guys on the Governing Body going to deal with all these dates they have given for the end of the world? Will they hang on tenaciously to the delusion that they are spokesman for God Almighty? Or will the facts be allowed to sink in, namely that they have no special appointment, and that all the scripture interpetations they make are heavily biased and use to support thier wishful delusional thinking and have absolutely no basis in hard cold facts.
A common tendancy is to keep on resisting:
Religious delusion is a type of cognitive phenomena known to psychiatry. Thoughts, either beliefs or ideas, that are found in psychosis have no basis in reality, and held with certainty and maintained by the person i.e. they are resistant to criticism (incorrigible) (Jaspers) that are additionally specifically of a type that is of the aspect or factor of reality defined as religious.........
bona fide acts et al
“ ...Life, as we find it, is too hard for us; it brings us too many pains, disappointments and impossible tasks. In order to bear it we cannot dispense with palliative measures.... S.Freud - Civilization and its Discontents (1931) [ 23 ]
” Hearing the voice of God to commit acts of violence is recorded in antiquity in the case of the Christian patriarch Abraham. [ 24 ] The connection between religious experience of communication from heavenly or divine beings where the results of such a test of faith were not favourable for the person is La Puchelle. [ 25 ] In contemporary times persons judged to have experienced auditory hallucination include those that experience hearing voices or a voice instructing or motivating them to commit violent acts. These auditory experiences are classified by psychiatry as command hallucination (Shawyer 2008). [ 26 ] Persons acting to commit murder are reported as "hearing voices" of religious beings such as God, [ 27 ] angels [ 28 ] or the Devil. [ 29 ] Within the psychiatric community religious auditory hallucination is qualified by some as, those that hear the voice of God talking to them are experiencing schizophrenia, while those that instead talk to God but hear no response, i.e. pray do not. (Szasz) [ 30 ]
A study of 1999 (Kunst) identified that religious delusion were often present or expressed in persons with forensic committal to a psychiatric unit. [ 31 ]
[edit] Other insight
Religious delusions are of interest because they might have an impact upon the person's health belief model (Kelly et al 1987). [ 32 ] A study (Peters et al 1999) found adherents to new religious movements to have similar delusionary cognition as rated by the Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI; Peters, Day & Garety, 1996), to a psychotic group although the former reported feeling less distressed by their experiences than the latter. [ 33 ]
One of the most common components of cognitive-behavioralpsychotherapy (CBT) is identifying and answering irrational thoughts. Once you can label and dissect an irrational thought, you take away some of its power. The longer these patterns are allowed to continue, however, the more likely they are to become ingrained, lifelong habits. These habits of thought contribute to development of the hard-to-treat personality disorders that often bedevil bipolar adults.
Problematic thought styles include:......
- Magical thinking. Most common in children and adults withobsessive-compulsive disorder, but seen in people with bipolar disorders as well. Magical thinkers come to believe that by doing some sort of ritual they can avoid harm to themselves or others. The ritual may or may not be connected with the perceived harm, and sufferers tend to keep their rituals secret. Children are not always sure what harm the ritual is fending off; they may simply report knowing that “something bad will happen” if they don’t touch each slat of the fence or make sure their footsteps end on an even number. Others may come to feel that ritual behavior will bring about some positive event.
- Leaps in logic. Making seemingly logic-based statements, even though the process that led to the idea was missing obvious steps. Jumping to conclusions, often negative ones. One type of logical leap is assuming that you know what someone else is thinking. For instance, a teenager might assume that everyone at school hates her, or that anyone who is whispering is talking about her. Another common error is assuming that other people will naturally know what you are thinking, leading to great misunderstandings when they don’t seem to grasp what you’re talking about or doing.
- “All or nothing” thinking. Being unable to see shades of gray in everyday life can lead to major misperceptions and even despair. A person who thinks only in black-and-white terms can’t comprehend small successes. He’s either an abject failure or a complete success, never simply on his way to doing better.
This Video Ceder's posted on youtube shows how out of touch they really are and how far they will go to control the thinking of thier members:
They are authoritarian, with reguards thier own claimed authority and the Governing Body is willing to inflict harm on any member who stops beleiving. They worship a vengeful jealous God and so should we expect any different from the Governing Body who idolize such behavior of thier God?
As you listen to these speeches given by different GB you can see how disjointed are all the points they made they are comparing apples to oranges as the saying goes.
Take a good look at how they think and join points together note the logic or shall we say lack of logical coherence they use. This I'm afraid gives you a picture of how they are working out thier own congnitive dissonance to ease mental pain, very shaky to say the least. I'm thinking these guys have big issues if they ever are going to solve thier mental delusional problems.
Read the post above the video and see how many things you see in the video that apply to them. They really are a very sorry lot it seems.
This may be inapproriate but have you notice the similarity of Stephen Lett and Heaven's Gate's Marshall Applewhite.
It is mainly the eyes where the similarity is, and that they were/are both destructive cult leader's. Thankfully The Governing Body hasn't order everyone to kill themselves(yet) like Marshall Applewhite, or Jim Jones, they just share the delusional thinking of Cult leaders. But in all fairness it must be stated that Governing Body has caused more to lose thier lives than Marshall Applewhite, and Jim Jones combined by thier ban on the use of transfused blood enforced brutally by the threat of and actual disfellowshipping of those who have recieved the fobidden transfussion. So loss of life from following the commands of the Governing Body far exceeds these guys but because it is done one at a time it has not recieved the publicity these other tragedies have.
On a not so serious note: hit both play buttons at almost the same time, it is funny the ways these guys (for lack of a better word) complement each other both in thier message and manners.
One definately cult like behaivor is the forbiding higher education as a form of information control notice how disjointed the logic and comparisons are in this GB talk warning about the dangers of going to college, while waiting for the end of the world to come:
Also because of the child molestation lawsuits the Governing Body with all the bad press and loss of millions of dollars, wants to clean up it's image and publically demostrate a love for the innocent children, which seems to be the reason for the young children singing an indoctrination song "Listen and Obey" featured in the new light annual meeting video praising the new understanding which increases GB authority over the rank and file. And so the propaganda video they have made gives the impression that the Governing Body are like kindly old grand fathers who have the best interest of the young children in thier hearts.
So watch this video clip and while watching it and the little children singing "Listen and Obey" think of all the children that have died because of the Governing Body's ban on the use of blood to save a child's life with the threat of disfellowshipping, and think about the many children who have been sexually molested because of the Governing Body's lack of concern for thier safety.
Also think about the very real possiblity that these young children in the future some of them will be disfellowshipped and taste the wrath of the Governing Body's true nature of control. The experience awaits them if they in the future nolonger listen and obey the Governing Body, they will be seperated, and kicked out of the house if they are of age by thier listening and obeying parents, to fend for themselves.
There is a very real danger for these children singing this song which indoctrinates them to listen and obey the Governing Body, because the Governing Body main interest is not them in a good way but in a bad way, namely control of thier minds and loyalty to further the interest of a dying delusion based organization of which they are the CEOs.
When you read the publications and listen to the talks of the Governing Body we see this to be a prominant feature:
- Leaps in logic.Making seemingly logic-based statements, even though the process that led to the idea was missing obvious steps. Jumping to conclusions, often negative ones. One type of logical leap is assuming that you know what someone else is thinking.
- “All or nothing” thinking.Being unable to see shades of gray in everyday life can lead to major misperceptions and even despair. A person who thinks only in black-and-white terms can’t comprehend small successes. He’s either an abject failure or a complete success, never simply on his way to doing better.
That being the case it would be a huge mistake to "listen and obey" the Governing Body because they are so delusional they can't even think straight or logical, as listening to any of thier talks clearly shows. They also have a huge problem with being honest both with themselves and those they indoctrinate, feeeding those that listen to them more and more of thier own delusions(sorta like the blind leading the blind), encouraging the rank and file to more and more obeidiance, which is dangerous because the GB have an agenda and it ain't the welfare of the flock it is the welfare of the Organization of which they are CEOs and judging from the delusional state they are in they are pretty hopeless as far as expecting any type of change and will most likely stay on the Titanic until it sinks.
A very harmful psychological situtation for the Governing Body is "Identification" of themselves with thier chosen "Persona" in this case the persona of the Governing Body members is being the Faithful and Discreet Slave of God almighty . To live up to this persona is to live in delusion without a break, making one become more and more shallow, irratable, dreamy, unflexible, tyrannical, hypocritical, cruel, and a host of other negative qualities with psychosis in the form of burried repressions bursting forth into consciousness by the process of enantiodromia.
Jung’s persona
[ edit ] Identificationn
For the growing child, the development of a viable social persona is a vital part of adapting to, and preparing for, adult life in the external social world. “A strong ego relates to the outside world through a flexible persona; identification with a specific persona (doctor, scholar, artist, etc.) inhibits psychological development. [ 2 ] Thus for Jung “the danger is that [people] become identical with their personas—the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice.” [ 3 ] The result could be “the shallow, brittle, conformist kind of personality which is 'all persona', with its excessive concern for 'what people think'” [ 4 ] —an unreflecting state of mind 'in which people are utterly unconscious of any distinction between themselves and the world in which they live. They have little or no concept of themselves as beings distinct from what society expects of them'. [ 5 ] The stage was set thereby for what Jung termed enantiodromia—the emergence of the repressed individuality from beneath the persona later in life: 'the individual will either be completely smothered under an empty persona or an enantiodromia into the buried opposites will occur'. [ 6 ]
“The breakdown of the persona constitutes the typically Jungian moment both in therapy and in development” — the “moment” when “that excessive commitment to collective ideals masking deeper individuality—the persona—breaks down... disintegrates.” [ 7 ] Given Jung’s view that “the persona is a semblance... the dissolution of the persona is therefore absolutely necessary for individuation.” [ 8 ] Nevertheless, its disintegration may well lead initially to a state of chaos in the individual: ’one result of the dissolution of the persona is the release of fantasy... disorientation.’ [ 9 ] As the individuation process gets under way, ’the situation has thrown off the conventional husk and developed into a stark encounter with reality, with no false veils or adornments of any kind’. [ 10 ]
[ edit ] Negative restoration
One possible reaction to the resulting experience of archetypal chaos was what Jung called "the regressive restoration of the persona", whereby the protagonist "laboriously tries to patch up his social reputation within the confines of a much more limited personality... pretending that he is as he was before the crucial experience." [ 11 ] Similarly in treatment there can be "the persona-restoring phase, which is an effort to maintain superficiality"; [ 12 ] or even a longer phase designed not to promote individuation but to bring about what Jung caricatured as "the negative restoration of the persona" — that is to say, a reversion to the status quo'. [ 13 ]
[ edit ] Absence
The alternative is to endure living with the absence of the persona — and for Jung "the man with no persona... is blind to the reality of the world, which for him has merely the value of an amusing or fantastic playground." [ 14 ] Inevitably, the result of "the streaming in of the unconscious into the conscious realm, simultaneously with the dissolution of the 'persona' and the reduction of the directive force of consciousness, is a state of disturbed psychic equilibrium." [ 15 ] Those trapped at such a stage remain "blind to the world, hopeless dreamers... spectral Cassandras dreaded for their tactlessness, eternally misunderstood." [ 16 ]
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Enantiodromia (Greek: ?ν?ντιος, enantios, opposite + δρ?μος, dromos, running course) is a principle introduced by psychiatristCarl Jung that the superabundance of any force inevitably produces its opposite. It is similar to the principle of equilibrium in the natural world, in that any extreme is opposed by the system in order to restore balance. However, in Jungian terms, a thing psychically transmogrifies into its Shadow opposite, in the repression of psychic forces that are thereby cathected into something powerful and threatening. This can be anticipated as well in the principles of traditional Chinese religion - as in Taoism and yin-yang.
Though "enantiodromia" was coined by Jung, it is implied in the writings of Heraclitus. In fr. 126, for example, Heraclitus says "cold things warm, warm things cool, wet things dry and parched things get wet." [ 1 ] It also seems implicit in other of his sayings, like "war is father of all, king of all" (fr. 53), "they do not know that the differing/opposed thing agrees with itself; harmony is reflexive (παλ?ντροπος palintropos, used of a compound bow, or "in reflexive tension"), like the bow and the lyre" (fr. 51). In these passages and others the idea of the coincidence of opposites is clearly articulated in Heraclitus' characteristic riddling style, as well as the dynamic motion back and forth between the two, generated especially by opposition and conflict.
Later Plato in the Phaedo will articulate the principle clearly: "Everything arises in this way, opposites from their opposites." (sect. 71a). [ 2 ]
Since Jung's recognition of it many centuries later it has been observed in modern culture. For example, it has been applied to subject of the film The Lives of Others, to show how one devoted to a communist regime breaks through his loyalty and emerges a humanist.
Jung used the term particularly to refer to the unconscious acting against the wishes of the consciousmind. (Aspects of the Masculine, chapter 7, paragraph 294).
Enantiodromia. Literally, "running counter to," referring to the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time. This characteristic phenomenon practically always occurs when an extreme, one-sided tendency dominates conscious life; in time an equally powerful counterposition is built up, which first inhibits the conscious performance and subsequently breaks through the conscious control. ("Definitions," ibid., par. 709)
Enantiodromia is typically experienced in conjunction with symptoms associated with acute neurosis, and often foreshadows a rebirth of the personality.
The grand plan on which the unconscious life of the psyche is constructed is so inaccessible to our understanding that we can never know what evil may not be necessary in order to produce good by enantiodromia, and what good may very possibly lead to evil. ("The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales", Collected Works 9i, par. 397)
The term has also been applied as a neologism to describe the tendency of a younger generation to manifest the undesirable traits of a previous generation, despite the repudiation of these traits when they were young. [citation needed]
There's a lot of great stuff, here. Much of it's too deep for me, though. The shadow is a good start. Bringing it into awareness has done a lot for me, personally. Reading about it and not trying it isn't how i do it. I have found that jungs stuff that i have tried has worked, for me. Great thread.
The spiderman movie about his evil side may have been about his shadow self. Guess, maybe, i should watch that one.
Hey thanks Satan,
Yeah there is a lot I veiw the same way so I come back and reread it again because a lot of what I posted I'm still raising my awareness of, and the more it makes sense later.
The Psyche of cult leaders is an interesting subject that could lead to greater self awareness for those that try to look at it as a study of human nature and why we make the decisions we do what are the drives that go on below consciousness. Our grasp of that enhances our awareness.