Psychoanalyzing the Governing Body as a Collective Body by what they cause to be written in literature and private letters:

by frankiespeakin 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    I like how you explained the shadow aspect. Suppressed, it seeths there and gets projected onto others. The person suppressing sex drive for instance might pervert while at the same time seeking to suppress sexual stuff in others around him. Released from the shadow, it can be worked on, modified. Allowed out by the person, the sex drive finds natural outlets and settles down to a normal place in life, after a while. The person becomes a normal family man type person.


  • frankiespeakin


    Good points about the "shadow" I've been thinking alot about that and working with mine it is sorta like trying to be real honest with one's self, and realizing the persona you have with the outside world is not the real you it is a mask you wear to deal with society and work.

    Being too hung up on the morals of the bible and a trying to please jealous God that hates, givings priority to expression of vengence, and takeing offense at all kinds of petty things can really cause a lot to be repressed about ourselves as we try to please him and like what he likes and hate what he hates as drummed into us when we were beleivers by the Governing Body.

    No wonder why so many Jehovah witnesses are just a shadow of thier real selves, they repress so much in thier shadow and that has got to be a major cause of depression.

    I'm also sure the the Governing Body themselves have a lot of repressed material in thier shadow projected out onto the world and the rank and file(especially those who have doubt about thier common delusion and so expect no mercy from these depressed chaps)).

  • frankiespeakin

    I really do believe that the Governing Body has a very real psychological problem over the fact that they do identify themselves with the persona of "Faithful and Discreet Servant of God and his Son"

    When a person Identifies with his persona thier are real personality problems, expect these to show up in personal relationships, I would think this identification with the persona mask of God's chief spokesman to make them very lonely inside because of the natural aloofness toward others that this beleif imposes, no one can really tell them anything that as the FDS don't already know type of feeling and ego inflation by persona identification:

    I'm thinking there are a lot of people at bethel who are pissed off at the Governing Body and see them also as control freaks, thier present actions and new light they are more familiar with than you or I, and so I see them making enemies among thier little circle of contacts, I see them as irratable, petty, unreasonable, souls with a pain of conscience/or superego trying to accuse them, getting tired of defending the delusion with pains of cognitive dissonance jabbing them trying to become conscious, haveing that sinking feeling that things are going to get much worse, and more, all this conflictedness got to be a real bitch to deal with for these guys.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thank You Ceders again for posting these clips:

    Notice how Anthony Morris keep the cognitive dissonance at bay when condeming higher education. His reasoning is shallow and heavily biased and he's gotta try the emotional hard sell blaming normal parenting with a heathy looking out for the child's future as the villian without touching on the real reason he's against higher education being, membership loss through a more critical attitude about the Governing Body's delusionary claims of divine appointments and failed dates for the end of the world. Notice he mentions the child having to take philosopy 1 & 2 as a real danger, he also purposely left out courses such as "critical thinking" , science, biology, DNA, that all have a very corrosive effects on the Governing Body inspired pipe dreams.

    Very evident is his utter disreguard for the future of the youth, they can all wash windows and work at a low paying jobs while strapped with the burdens of pioneering, raising a family, going to meetings, and kingdom hall quick builds,, after all in the delusionary mind of the GB the end of this world and the time for them to begin rulling is just around the corner at least that still seems to be the business plan for the CEOs of this corporation.

  • Satanus

    There was a movie that partly addressed the idea of getting the shadow out into the open. It was called the ninth configuration. Randy mentioned it in one of his blogs. It's an older style, but still interesting, as far as movies go.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Hi Frankie, I had eight psychology classes and still enjoy the topic. Are you still interested in the subject, a few publishers would send me books to do reviews on them when I was working on my graduate degree. What area of psychology do you enjoy?

  • frankiespeakin


    My interest in the subject is mainly at this point of the jungian type and the different architypes, and what ever else gives me a better understanding of our psychic natures. Academically no credentials in the field, I'm just a layman trying to understand what makes these guys on the Governing Body tick and respond the way they do.

  • frankiespeakin

    Here is a Governing Body an example of of paranoid shadow projections of the Devil and a unwhole fear of strangers. See if you can spot the delusional projections that come from wild speculations, illogical reasonings, and magical thinking:

    This can lead to all sorts of mental problems not only in the speaker that makes these projections but also for those that adopt these type of unwholesome mental projections. These irrational idea that support the delusion are often resist correction and are hard to get a person to see them for what they are namely unsubstanciated conclusions. His interpetation of things seems magical and childish, perhaps he is suffering from some type of childhood arrested developement? I don't know I can only guess what do you think?

    One of the most common components ofcognitive-behavioralpsychotherapy(CBT) is identifying and answering irrational thoughts. Once you can label and dissect an irrational thought, you take away some of its power. The longer these patterns are allowed to continue, however, the more likely they are to become ingrained, lifelong habits. These habits of thought contribute to development of the hard-to-treat personality disorders that often bedevilbipolaradults.

    Problematic thought styles include:......

    • Magical thinking.Most common in children and adults withobsessive-compulsivedisorder, but seen in people with bipolar disorders as well. Magical thinkers come to believe that by doing some sort of ritual they can avoid harm to themselves or others. The ritual may or may not be connected with the perceived harm, and sufferers tend to keep their rituals secret. Children are not always sure what harm the ritual is fending off; they may simply report knowing that “something bad will happen” if they don’t touch each slat of the fence or make sure their footsteps end on an even number. Others may come to feel that ritual behavior will bring about some positive event.
    • Leaps in logic.Making seemingly logic-based statements, even though the process that led to the idea was missing obvious steps. Jumping to conclusions, often negative ones. One type of logical leap is assuming that you know what someone else is thinking. For instance, a teenager might assume that everyone at school hates her, or that anyone who is whispering is talking about her. Another common error is assuming that other people will naturally know what you are thinking, leading to great misunderstandings when they don’t seem to grasp what you’re talking about or doing.
    • “All or nothing” thinking.Being unable to see shades of gray in everyday life can lead to major misperceptions and even despair. A person who thinks only in black-and-white terms can’t comprehend small successes. He’s either an abject failure or a complete success, never simply on his way to doing better.
  • Mum

    I was going to bring up narcissistic personality disorder, but that's already been done. So I'm going to address characteristics of "control freaks."

    Control freaks, at bottom, are empty vessels, blank slates or whatever metaphor you use to describe someone who has nothing of substance to contribute to the world. So, they use others to bring glory to themselves. Parents who are control freaks demand perfection from their children to bring attention and "glory" to themselves by association. Cult leaders can do the same thing by constantly asking their members if they could do more, trying to set up situations (e.g., assemblies) to make their followers look superior. You get the idea.

    A high control group must be run by control freaks.



  • frankiespeakin


    Control freaks is about right for the more outspoken members of the Governing Body, and let not forget insecurity too.


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