Watchtower honors Jehovah's Witness Elders responsible for Candice Conti and Menlo Park Fiascos

by Balaamsass 70 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DesirousOfChange

    3rdgen: BOC, How much do you want to bet that the bro who dumped his family to marry a sweet young thing lent his platinum credit card to the DO before he was honored with a DC talk?

    3rdgen: OMG! What are you suggesting?

    Was his name Simon? (Acts 8:18)

    It's all just unbelievable, isn't it? Is this what the "sighing and groaning" is about? No diff from Christendom.


  • sizemik

    They've got their heads so far up their arses it's become self-parody.

    WTS has become a complete joke . . . all we need is a punchline.

  • 3rdgen

    DOC, Yup, I have to admit why and how I know this kind of thing goes on. 1: My father did it BIG TIME and it woked every time. 2: My uncle did it. worked great for him too. Knowing how easily COs and DOs are favorably influenced by large sums of money helped me to start waking up.

    Edit to add: EE I totally agree with your point that in Dubbieland "no greater honor could there be" than to represent the FDS and GB at their District conventions. It is a public endorcement.

  • VM44

    "...stalking and high tech wiretapping of JW plaintiffs"

    Are not both those activities illegal?

    Why wasn't the elder prosecuted?

  • GLTirebiter

    If you have a sense of shame, you aren't cut out to be a Watchtower leader. Some things will never change!

  • stillajwexelder


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just thinking. . .

    As far as I can tell, Candace Conti and her legal team have not yet decided to accept the judge's lowering of the settlement to $8M. . .

    Personally, if it were me, and they pulled some shit like this, I'd tell the judge I'm in for the whole $28M and not a cent less.

    These fuckers aren't even CLOSE to being penitent or contrite; and if this is true, they certainly HAVE NOT LEARNED THEIR LESSON.

  • Quendi

    Words alone can’t express my outrage—and I parted ways with the organization quite some time ago. May Jehovah look upon them and judge!


  • ronwashington

    How were these elders honored? What was the quote? Anyone have an audio/video recording?

  • Ding

    When I read the title of this thread I immediately thought, "Company men."

    That's the highest value in the WTS.

    Loyalty to the GB = loyalty to Jehovah...

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