Jaymes . . . excellent blog.
I think Kathleen Conti's statement warrants repeating here . . .
You sound stunned, shocked, and in disbelief. You also sound a bit like how a ”normal father” would respond if his child had been abused. Jehovah’s Witnesses hand over all their parental rights on how to raise their children to the Watchtower Society. Simple instructions like don’t chase the ball into the street without first looking to see if a car is coming is the only type of instructions they give to their kids without having to first get the guidance from the Watchtower.
This is a “MEN’S CLUB” where alter egos are continually stroked and backs are patted on more then an endless push-up bra. You can’t get these guy’s to feel any shame, and the reward for ones undying loyalty to the Watchtower is considered an honour, regardless of what heinous act one may have committed.
On top of that, they feel they are above the law and have no respect for worldly courts and the Judge’s that preside over them, so the verdict of ‘Guilty’ means nothing to them. And we, as sexual abuse victims within their organization, mean even less to them than the worldly courts do.
They are evil beyond compare, they cannot be reached by any normal human level of sensitivity regarding this issue of the sexual abuse of small children that you and I understand and can relate to.
Kathleen Conti
That about sums it up.