Not Religon...not Belief....Not Inerrancy: INTERPRETATION is christianity

by Terry 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Self interpretation leads to self empowerment, thats why there's so much diversity among Christianity.

    Once you've proclaimed yourself divinely chosen or guided by god, you can throw a dark shadow on to other Christian organizations.

    Its a game that just about all Christian based faiths do.

  • Quentin

    Self interpretation leads to self empowerment, thats why there's so much diversity among Christianity.

    A study of Church history certainly bears that out.

  • maccauk11

    People get mixed up with the meaning of the word. The word is Jesus the truth is Jesus the way is Jesus .Everything else is counterfeit. The bible is merely a historical testimony .It is from him alone we get revelation,discipline, deliverance,reproof. The bible itself states "they search the scriptures thinking in them they have everlasting life. The bible points us to Jesus. God himslef will teach us.

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