Billy said:
I'm just frustrated that after all these years, I look at this ASL video and suspect that I've been masturbating incorrectly. He seems to be enjoying it way more than I think I ever did.
But you see, that's not actually true tho, is it?
Because despite all the hyperbole, it's really NOT an "instructional video for how to masturbate", just like "flipping the bird" is NOT an instructional gesture for how to have intercourse. It may INDICATE it, but it's ONLY a SYMBOL, just like a word on the page, or a ASL gesture. SYMBOLS, not the actual ITEMS they represent.
Ask yourself: do most people masturbate while fully-clothed wearing a pants/jacket/tie (!), with their hands 16-inches away from your chest?
All I'm saying is that if you find that even remotely stimulating, then maybe it's good if you don't ever watch a real porn, or an old Madonna video, etc, or we may never see you back here again (and per WT, it can lead to homosexuality).
And to the poster who a few pages back posted about the sexual repression from religion trying to induce guilt over a normal bodily-function, sure, it's an unhealthy attitude when it's overdone like the above articles show. How ironic that the JWs would DARE to hurl stones at Catholics over this, when it's the EXACT SAME psychological dynamic that leads to JW child sexual abuse, followed by organizational cover-up to avoid public embarrassment to save face in the name of the religion and God.
People grow up in that kind of sexually-repressed environment, and it's like uncorking a bottle of champagne when they're out of the org, and it bursts out: people never learned to express that suppressed pent-up energy during their arrested psycho-social development, so when they lose the inhibition of the religion they're left without any restraints, or impulse controls. It's a classic response....
Remember though that ALMOST ALL mainstream religions condemn masturbation, to some extent (you have to get down to the Wiccans to find a viewpoint that's more modern, liberal, and accepting).
So if you want to demonize the JWs over this one particular issue, then you're probably going to find this is NOT some odd-ball position that is isolated to just a single cult, but shared by almost ALL mainstream religions (and in fact, a group that broke from the others likely WOULD be the nutty cultists, like most people would think of the Wiccans).
So what's left? All you have is a prurient silly little video/GIF, but not much else. Then you can spend time arguing with 14 y.o. JW kids on YT, to make yourself feel better than them (or not).