Well I figured I should give you all an update. They will be DFing me soon for apostasy. It is not a huge surprise and I am not afraid nor "shaking in my boots", however I will admit it is stressful right now. I am not ashamed at all and soon they will not be able to touch me. Soon I will be able to stop the ridiculous aliases that I have used for the last two years. I say "aliases" in the plural, because of my relatively high profile in my area I had felt that I had to use multiple fake names.
I am RayPublisher. I am JWStruggle. And some others too...My real name will follow soon but I am going to wait another week so as not to sabotage the upcoming meeting which will be fully documented for posterity, as they pile one more "spiritual martyr" onto the holocaust of people they have spiritually executed. (It's all SOOO DRAMATIC lol!)
ANYWAY, the following cover letter is going to be sent out to the local newspapers and media outlets soon. I'm hoping that I may get some traction. Either way I will be advertising the support group and hope that more of us in my local area will be encouraged by this. I was going to wait a few business days to send it out and thought I would tap into the collective brainpower of you folks here for feedback or constructive critisicm.
Thanks for those of you that have helped me on here. And to the couple of you that turned out to be a$$holes, (you know who you are!) no hard feelings from me; I accept you just the way you are...you can't help the way you were born.
BTW I made a YouTube video and it is linked to below. It feels liberating to use my actual face and just talk to the webcam. I hope to do more of these as time goes on.
August 6, 2012
Dear Sir/Madam
I am currently going through an extremely difficult crisis in my life involving my religious beliefs, and I personally know of several others in the surrounding area that are also struggling with this crisis. Yes, I have a story to tell, but no “axe to grind”. My short-term goal is to start a support group to help others to gain freedom of worship and self-reliance, away from the influence and mind-control that many of them have been under since birth. Also I wish to get the word out that we will be having regular meetings to help support any and all people that have been affected by the well-known religious cult that I have been struggling to escape for the last two years. A longer term goal is to establish a non-profit corporation so that I can expand this outreach to help even more people caught up in its grip.
Many of your readers that are Christian or are religious people in general will be very interested to know church leaders have determined that I am to be excommunicated from the Jehovah’s Witness religion sometime in late September when the ruling will be announced publicly. My crime? Simply that I shared my personal views with some close friends, as well as on an internet website, that the Watchtower Corporation (a multi-billion dollar company that handles the affairs of Jehovah’s Witnesses) is not directed by God and is not the only avenue in which to serve the Creator. This is considered blasphemy and is strictly condemned by the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as they feel that their leadership in New York are the sole channel on earth and speak for God himself. The conditioning instilled into the minds of some of these ones is so strong that they have “informed” on me to their local Elders, who have in turn initiated judicial action to have me disfellowshipped (A church phrase meaning excommunication) and kicked out of the religion.
My story involves being thrown out of my house by my devout Jehovah’s Witness wife, who is now trying to greatly limit me from seeing my two young children, as she feels I am an “apostate” (or heretic) simply because I no longer agree with everything that the church teaches. She and her father have slandered my name all over the community, and literally hundreds of my former friends now shun me and will not even speak to me on the street or in the supermarket as I walk past them. If they were to simply talk to me and be seen doing so they also would be subject to excommunication.
I am not bitter or angry, only saddened by the unhappiness and climate of fear that exists for many that are caught up in the Watchtower movement as publicized by Jehovah’s Witnesses on a daily basis in their door knocking activity. The following press release contains information on the support group’s meeting time and location. If you want to know more or would like to schedule an interview with myself, that would be welcomed. You are free to contact me by either phone or email.