RayPublisher: In the long run, you'll be glad it's all over. Those people cannot be your friends. They are afraid that Jehovah will kill them, so they must choose him over you, every time. Within a year, you'll realize that you don't actually have much in common with them, anyway.
They will be DFing me soon for apostasy...
by RayPublisher 150 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hang in there brother. I love you my friend.
as they pile one more "spiritual martyr" onto the holocaust of people they have spiritually executed.
(It's all SOOO DRAMATIC lol!)
I have a fellow feeling for you. I had gone through the same religious Inquistion followd by 2 and an half years of witch hunt. This was happening while I was still attending meetings. The stress level was beyond me. I felt Jehovah's protection when I was finally disfellowshipped. I was so relieved not being their target anymore. The only regret I have was that I didn.t get to tell them off, since I was still a true believer at the time.
Good for you letting your light shine before the evil slave and coming out publicly. You are taking your power back!
Want to hear a joke? You might appreciate this since you were juggling identies for soo long.
Cop stops this guy for speeding in a Van. Cop asks whats in the back of the van. Guy says I am a circus preformer and my props are in the back. Cop says can I see them. Guy says ok. Cops looks in back and sees the big long knives and asks what do you do with these? Guy says I am a juggler. Cop says prove it juggle for me. Guy says sure and starts his act. Just then a guy and his wife are passing by and this guy has had too much to drink and sees the guy juggling knives at the side of the road and the cop watching. He says to his wife I gotta stop dringkiing the sobriety test is getting way too hard.
I know you juggled the knives at Tahoe, btw I like jw struggle
@LeavingWT - Great comment great advice...very true. I have been out mentally for over a year now, was trying to stay in "for the cause" but talked to one too many sleeping Dubbs- oh well I am spending this coin and want to get the maximum value out of it!
@Greybeard - You have been, and continue to be, an incredible friend. I don't want any blowback on you but I know that may happen...All I can say is what Martin Luther said at Worms:
"Here I stand- I can do no other!"
@Blindnomore - Thanks bro, that's a great juggling joke. ...I did juggle knives didn't I?? I hadn't done that in years and it felt good!
Next year apostafest is gonna be even bigger and better I'll help "advertise, advertise, advertise" it and I am gonna camp not just blow through for a couple hours. Thanks to Flipper for keeping it going too!
JWStruggle was just total therapy nothing more two years ago when Greybeard helped me get it off the ground...now we get thousands of visits every month and there are a lot of good JWs there asking questions and figuring how to get out.
Also plenty of us DFed people too! (that felt weird to say lol...)
Franklin Massey
Here's to your newfound freedom.
Ray...I think your letter is powerful.
Here is my 2 cents - say more about the religion tearing you apart from your dear children. Talk about the incredible love and bond you have with them, how they are your entire world. Make the parents reading this letter shed tears for you and feel wrath for the religion.
Have not watched the video yet, will do that tonight.
Thank you for sharing with us.
@Franklin Massey - I'd love to clank a glass w/ you on that bro- and I'd be buying.
@Magwitch - Kind words Ms. MW, thank you. I will try and tweak the letter to do just that.
Ray .... trying to find the appropriate emoticon here .... ?
Nothing! - Well maybe the hug, or the broken heart....
When I try to recapture the feelings and reality that I had before even hearing
about the jehovah's witnesses ............ all I can say is this whole control
thing is MADNESS!
Ridiculous that some rag tag common men can supervise and dictate
what you will or not do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
Their threats and blackmail tactics are revolting! They cause their people
to hide & become deceptive. They make cowards out of good people!
Congratulations to you for having the intestinal fortitude to stand up.
I will not spend the rest of my life on my knees to them either!
What a story, and it gladdens my heart to see your courage and determination, RayPublisher. I have neither gift nor counsel to give so all I will say is that you will certainly be in my thoughts as you move forward in your life. You have helped so many already, and I know you will continue to do so because you have the right motivation: love for God and love for neighbor. May Jehovah continue with you!
WOW!!!! Good for you!! Wishing the very best to you. Stay strong and I am sure the weight of the world will be off your shoulders . HB