I was thinking about this question recently after being at the meeting when new pioneers were announced for the 2013 service year.
We have a dozen or so pioneers in the congregation, and most are in their 20's. Some absolutely love the things they are taught and can't wait to spread the Good News.
Others in the congregation are going through the motions, tired of hearing the same old same old but have no way to change things now. Then there are a couple like me. Can see the flaws, don't take the WT as gospel.
I'm early forties but began to awaken in my late thirties.
Could it be that the younger generation will never awaken? Do you need experience in life before you stand a chance of seeing through the deceit?
Some younger ones leave but I don't think it's because of becoming awake, it's often because they just don't want any part of religion. This is different. Maybe the internet will bring the average age down.
What sort of ages did people awaken on JWN?