a guy turned me down for a date

by hungry4life 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    heya hungry4life ! sorry to hear that you are down. i think everyone goes through this at some time or another. i doubt that you are the reason he doesn't want to hang out. he's probably actually not wanting to be in a relationship with ANYONE ... and even if he did, you don't want to deal with someone who just came out of a serious relationship.
    i say, keep on asking them boys out and go have some fun!

    p.s. don't feel bad about posting this here i like the whole drama bit, just go look at all the thread i make hehe.
    take care, hun

  • wonderwoman77

    I do not want to sound mean or like I do not care. It hurts to be rejected, it has happened to most of us. You really think someone likes ya, but then you get shot down. Well at least you gave it a shot, but maybe the guy just did not want to date or date you. It is ok, we do not all have to want to date everyone and the guy is not a pig for saying no, just like we are not bitches when we say no. At least you did not get in a bad relationship and then end up hating this guy later anyway. He could have hurt you worse if he said yes. I am sorry you got hurt and I am sorry rejection hurts so bad, but just because he said no, does not mean you are not a good or desirable person. You are a great person, one day you will find the right person....

  • hungry4life

    Butalbee: Yay! thanks for letting me know that editing is back. I don't know any of his friends but if I ever meet them .....

    Peterstride: Ok you got it, pic back up. (for those of you who read the "why I took my pic down" post it seems things may be settling down for my friend and she told me not to worry she doesn't mind if I post my pic. This picture was actually taken this week so it is more updated than the last one.) Now be nice!

    Booze Runner: Thank you for a new perspective on why a guy who asks lots of girls out is not a "dog". Hmmm maybe I will try asking 10 guys out as a sociological experiment (that is my major) can't hurt might help gosh I don't even think I know 10 single guys.

    Violet Anai: It's true when your with someone it seems that their are so many more interested men. Hmm is it just cause we feel more confident when we are with someone? Or do you guys just feel safer or more challenged when we are attached?

    Beck: actually I was hoping to catch myself a nice rod. I guess that totally discredits my post on celibacy Great to hear about you and Andy. I do use MSN but I only have a few close friends that I occasionally talk to on it.

    Viole Anai: I was just on my bed in my bikini practicing my V-dance. But it will be a private dance for that special guy. No vindictiveness here I am moving on! Thanks for your support.

    Beck: You are beautiful and yes be choosy. "settling down doesn't have to mean settling"

    Bitter Mango: From one drama queen to another .

    Wonderwoman77: You did not sound mean or uncaring. You are right at least he was honest about not wanting to go out. Yes hating him now is better than hating him later

    I have to remind myself again that it is better to be alone and wish you were with someone than be with someone and wish you were alone.

    Thanks to all of you for your support. It really means alot.

    edited to correct the smiley on my reply to bitter mango(it looked like this before [:}] also to correct thaks to thanks and some other (but not all incorrect spellings that I managed to catch.

  • bitter mango
  • SYN

    You have to play HARD TO GET!

    Or you could just arrive naked, with beer. In fact, don't even worry about the beer, just arrive naked!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hungry4life, hey, you never know. This guy may have had a bad day and your timing was off. Yes, there are pro's and con's.

    Let me share this recent experience my 37 year son had. His girl friend decided to leave him for another guy. He took it 'hard' because he has child from this young lady. Anyways, to soften the blow, he kept company with a fellow radio worker, they had a mutual understanding due to the above circumstances.

    After only a few weeks, his ex-girlfriend came back and wanted to pick-up her relationship with my son because her love affair didn't pan out as she hoped or planned. Are you getting the picture? Was my son suppose to drop everything in life and wait for her?

    She cried her tears out before my wife and my wife had to console her. By the way, my wife baby-sits for them. To make a long story short, they are separated and he's with his daughters. As to the other girl? She's just a friend. Let time be your friend in your situation. You never know. Events in life is like the truth, it's stranger than fiction.

    Guest 77

  • hungry4life

    SYN I understand what you are saying about the hard to get part but sometimes someone needs to get the ball rolling right? I had his number and I knew that he did not have mine, and I haven't seen him for a while so I figured what the heck it's worth a shot. So what did I get "shot down". Thanks for the second tip but I don't think I could have recovered from being regected naked!

    Guest 77 thank you for your story. I agree that with your son that you can't mourn forever. I am glad that he is with his daughter and wish the best for him.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Congradulations!! So you got rejected! It hurts for a second, but you are agressive and some guys like that sort of thing. I personally LOVE it. I like it when a woman calls me

    I think you should take a day or two to lick your wounds and then start calling OTHER cute guys you like!!

    p.s. Call me.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Bless your little Irish heart and every other little Irish part.

  • Cowboy

    Hungry-I know it hurts,I don't take rejection too well either.But don't feel bad,at least you tried.If you hadn't,you always would have wondered "what if?" and kicked yourself for not trying.There's nothing wrong with a girl calling a guy-I would be flattered.


    BTW-Sorry I disappeared from chat last night,I got froze out and couldn't get back in.

    We ride and never worry about the fall
    I guess that's just the cowboy in us all

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    You're a hottie!
    My husband thinks you look very NICE.
    That was probably the only rejection you'll ever get, so getting it out in words was a good thing for the old scrapbook.
    Have a great weekend, go get 'em girl!!

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