Why did Jesus arrive invisible? What is he supposedly to do
for mankind since 1914? That,s a lot of years to observe the
behavior of man. How long does it take for Jesus to accomplish
the task he was sent here for, invisible??
by jam 45 Replies latest jw experiences
Why did Jesus arrive invisible? What is he supposedly to do
for mankind since 1914? That,s a lot of years to observe the
behavior of man. How long does it take for Jesus to accomplish
the task he was sent here for, invisible??
jam, be warned: Your questions are way too reasonable for any JW to ever reasonably attend to. If approached, their best strategy would be to circumvent your reasonable questions and find fault with your attitude or motives. Is this enough to silence your doubts?
That,s a lot of years to observe the behavior of man.
I thought he could read men's hearts?
Steve2/ Doc; LOL
he came to inspect all the new religions that popped out back then and chose the bible students to be the one and only truth. of course back then they thought he returned in 1874, but one can be a little late, right? so after this challenging decicion making he went back home, threw out his brother satan over some silly quarrel and now saves some funds for his third coming. jesus saves, you know.
Jesus the invisible man, person, being, take your pick, returned invisibly to accomplish an invisible task and then invisibly disappear.
What part of the word invisible is it you don’t understand. You can respond to my comment invisibly if you wish - it saves so much effort.
Jesus the invisible man, person, being, take your pick, returned invisibly to accomplish an invisible task and then invisibly disappear.
What part of the word invisible is it you don’t understand. You can respond to my comment invisibly if you wish - it saves so much effort.
Jesus the invisible man, person, being, take your pick, returned invisibly to accomplish an invisible task and then invisibly disappear.
What part of the word invisible is it you don’t understand. You can respond to my comment invisibly if you wish - it saves so much effort.
Jesus the invisible man, person, being, take your pick, returned invisibly to accomplish an invisible task and then invisibly disappear.
What part of the word invisible is it you don’t understand. You can respond to my comment invisibly if you wish - it saves so much effort.
i see what you did there