Jesus invisible presence in 1914, what purpose did it serve?

by jam 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    I apologize for my stupidity, but it,s been a long time since

    I walk with people who knew the truth (JW,s).

    So when Jesus appeared invisible (his presence) what happen

    to Satan? He was still around raising hell. I guess Jesus

    was watching Satan as he continue to mislead us poor


  • sir82

    Why he "turned his attention" to the earth! Yes he did!

    Don't you feel better now?

  • jam

    Gladiator; _______________________________

    _____________. That,s all I have to say.

  • LostGeneration

    The JW Jesus is like that inept employee (who happens to be the bosses son) at work that everyone hates.

    Does nothing, but collects a paycheck at the end of the week just like everyone else.

  • Emery

    I find it rather humorous and convenient that the WTS was invisibly chosen by an invisible Jesus. Yet, most of the accounts in the bible where God approves, appoints, or anoints somebody its quite visible or audible to crowds/nation of people.

  • jam

    J. Hofer; Were we that stupid to believe such nonsense.

    I guess he couldn,t inspect from heaven, a hands on man.


    HEY!!! I was born a JW and i resent your unkind remarks! I can explain it. It never happened!! There is no scriptural support for an invisible return! He is supposed to return in the same manner the he left! His followers saw him, he rose up into the air and disappeared from view. So, the exact opposite would be this: He arrives, then appears to his followers again, only this time there are many more followers, and EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM. The Watchtower view was probably caused by C.T. Russel eating some moldy miracle wheat!

  • oldlightnewshite

    Don't know what purpose it serves, but Marvel comics has a lot to answer for. The original idea/excuse was thought up while the GB was sitting around reading the Fantastic 4.

  • LostGeneration

    I find it rather humorous and convenient that the WTS was invisibly chosen by an invisible Jesus.

    Correct on both counts. They are just as bad as wackos like Jim Jones and David Koresh who claim God talked to them. So instead of saying God talks to them, they say he uses them as his "channel of communication" A distinction without a difference.

    Really? Where's the proof? Your excellent prophetic record? Oops, not quite.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  • jam

    You folks comment really show how silly it sounds.

    Emery:"invisibly chosen by an invisibly Jesus, but God

    appoints visible people in the Bible.

    LG; Great description of JW,s Jesus.

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