Jesus invisible presence in 1914, what purpose did it serve?

by jam 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    Sorry Data-Dog, but you have to admit, we weren,t the

    sharpest religion on the block.

  • steve2

    I'm not the first person to observe that, when a religion's date-centred predictions for the end are not fulfilled, the religion's attempt to maintain credibility by "invisibilizing" the fulfillment of the predictions (i.e., giving it a spiritual or heavenly interpretation.

    The Adventists did it with their predictions for 1844 and The Watchtower did it with those for 1914.

    The fact that so many believers simpy accept these invisible-fulfillment-interpretations - and cite them as truth - reveals how astonishingly gullible humans can be.

  • Sulla

    The main theological idea is that Jesus returned to re-establish the Church he established back in the day -- the one that failed even though he said it would never fail. So, Church re-established as the JWs (who pass the test due to their superior and unique desire for the true religion -- as opposed to actually teaching the true religion, as they admit) is here to tell people about the end of all things.

    So, that would be what was accomplished.

  • mrsjones5

    Ya, invisibly.

  • Chariklo
    Why did Jesus arrive invisible? What is he supposedly to do
    for mankind since 1914?

    Why? He didn't. It didn't happen, so he won't do anything.

  • Tooz

    God needs more money.

    After he has gotten enough donations then the Great Tribulation will start.

    Everyone thought that God would have enough after 70 or 80 years, but the "world conditions" have hurt even God's organization.

    The more money you give, the sooner Paradise will come.

  • Ding

    To put the GB in charge of everything, of course...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just to let you know. ..


    it should appear in your next statement.

    Invisibly of course!

    So, what I find amazing about how we think is that we IMMEDIATELY detect BULLSHIT when someone makes statement like I just did; yet many swallow the nonsense [invisiblility of Christ's presence] hook, line, and sinker.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Jesus arrived invisible so that the beliefs of the Watchtower could be said to be right.
    Remember, he didn't arrive in 1914 until Watchtower decided years later that it wasn't 1874. And if it weren't "invisible," then someone would have seen it on time.

    Jesus was supposed to give a stinging message to Jehovah's Witnesses so that they could recruit millions more people until there was a great crowd which no man could number. It's been a bit slow going on that. It's going to happen any minute now.

  • VM44

    "you have to admit, we weren't the sharpest religion on the block"

    Except when it comes to money! The Watchtower is very sharp in how it handles money.

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