Watchtower Dishonesty

by Vanderhoven7 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elephant

    christ alone - “But, is it true you have never published a biography of Pastor Russell? … That’s right. this proves that...the watchtower DID write a biography of Russell years before...


    "It is because of my love for others that I do read some of the articles," - that i may follow your line of WON'T read the magazines for the purpose that they are intended, but you WILL read them anyways because you love others...

    ...i can assure you that when you curl up by the fireplace with watchtower in hand your loved ones are not getting the it any wonder that they won't stop asking you when will you get back to the JWs?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    'Watchtower Dishonesty'-that’s putting it mildly!

    More like Watchtower corrupt, crafty, crooked, deceptive, shady, wily etc. etc. etc.

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • outsmartthesystem

    I am with SBF. It would not surprise me at all if even the men in charge of writing modern day articles were clueless as to what was REALLY taught back then. Either way (whether the WT deliberately is teaching lies about their past or ignorantly).....does it matter? Is God directing this clusterf***?

  • Elephant


    Is God directing this clusterf***?

    -are you asking or are you implying it isnt?

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Thanks, Vanderhoven7. That was very interesting. I'd like to share it with a couple of "friends," but I know their response will be more along the lines of "Where did you get that?" rather than "I'll have to check it out to see if if it's really true."

    I tried to click on the View links, but of course, they are no longer valid. Is there any way you could reconstruct the links to scans of the actual pages, as it was in the original post? I think that would make the arguments even more effective.

    Regardless, thanks again for reposting this. I don't think anyone could read this material with an open mind and not know in their hearts that the Society is guilty of intellectual dishonesty and outright lies.

  • outsmartthesystem

    elephant - that was supposed to be a sarcastic and rhetorical question. Based on the usage of the word "clusterf***" in my post in association with God's supposed direction (if there is a god).....I thought I made it quite clear. Perhaps not.


    @ Elephant,

    It simply does not matter if it is intentional or not. It is still incorrect and therefore claiming that it is true is dishonest, even if it is unintentional. Are Christians required to believe un-truths?

    2 Cor 6:14 "... Or what sharing does light have with darkness? ".

  • braincleaned

    The amazing strength that Vanderhoven7 has, is to never have been a JW! He is a thorough historian, precise, and gives verifiable information. The day he will be caught in bias misinformation, the proverbial hell will freeze over.

  • therevealer

    @under the radar . . . I didn't try all the refences but for example takes you to that reference work.

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