Do you actually have the hardcopies of those books?
''Yes. They're in the Kingdom Hall library.''
by Vanderhoven7 52 Replies latest jw friends
Do you actually have the hardcopies of those books?
''Yes. They're in the Kingdom Hall library.''
Julia Orwell >>>
"Do you actually have the hardcopies of those books? Or is it just from the internet? In that case, how do you know apostates haven't doctored it?
What? You mean to say the doctoring done on the WT-Library CD over the years is of a higher quality?
Dear Julia, I have all seven of Studies in the Scriptures and can assure your Elder friend of the veracity of any quote you wish to give to him from those.
I do not wish to part with these volumes for the obvious reason that they are proof positive of the nonsense from the Russell and early Rutherford period, the period when supposedly Jesus was choosing them because of the spiritual food they were dispensing !!!!!!!
It is my experience that even if you show them such stuff from the original works they will still excuse it, still not willing to make the honest step of acknowledging the truth of what Ray Franz said "To say that Jesus chose them on the basis of what they were teaching then, is an insult to Jesus".
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
It is not just a matter of "Watchtower dishonesty" as the thread title says, though that is of course legendary in its bare-faced effrontery, but individual JW's are downright dishonest in their approach, denying truth when it bites them on the bum.
Goodness what I'd do to get original copies of those books.
An early post in this thread by Blondie quotes the "Proclaimers" book. This is "Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers Of God's kingdom" a big book published in 1993. It ought to be in every J/Dub's home library or certainly at the Kingdom Hall, and is in full on the WT c/d rom . Pages 629 -637 contain a remarkably open account of their failed chronology and expectations . I am not saying that it reveals everything but it is a useful tool to debunk a lot of the slick statements that appear in the Wt's sometimes . Certainly it is a source that they would not argue with.
Julia - a lot of these publications have been scanned 'as is' and many of them were done in the '90s. If the elder thinks 'apostates' had the time, resources and technology to pick through thousands upon thousands of pages altering and faking parts of them so convincingly that there are no out-of-place pixels, no color differences, everything flawless and seamless ...
If he has a problem with your sources, get him running around and finding the original hard copies - he can point out to you where the scans have been faked. If he can't or won't, then the evidence from your sources stands.
SBF and outsmart (from 6 months ago), I gave the Writing Committee the benefit of the doubt for a long time. No more. I've come to the conclusion that the higher-ups know exactly what they're doing. After all, they boast about how thorough and accurate their research is and how the GB scrutinizes the preparation of the 'spiritual food' every step of the way.
Don't the FDS/GB know their own BS/JW history?
No? That makes them incompetent and negligent in dispensing the 'spiritual food.' It also makes them less than honest when assuring JWs they check everything for accuracy.
Yes? Then allowing misrepresentations of their history to go through means they are being deliberately dishonest.
Either way ...
Julia Orwell, Amazon and eBay are your friends in this matter :)
I bought several books from both places to confirm several quotes and check their context.
check this:
Just do what I have done. Go to your KH and borrow them. We had some " Studies " books just being used for decoration. So I borrowed them. Visit other KH's and see what they have lying around. Go get a drink during that last song, then when everyone joins in prayer... do some borrowing. They will never even know the books are gone. Just make a list of the books you want, and start borrowing!
Thank you very much for bumping this up. The work that went into "unwinding this wicked little web they weave, when first they wanted to decieve" is so valuable!
It takes a lot of time to go thru, connecting the dots in a simple way to show their outright lying.
How many people have those old books to check out what is written in them? Why would the people who taught ME not to lie be lying? So we ask ourselves.......